Wednesday, January 21, 2009


I was at CVS last night, getting cold medicine for the peanut and a little chocolate for me.
The woman ringing me up, Shirley notices my selection and chocolate and said “OHHHH girl, that would hit the spot. I started PMSing today and I want me some of that chocolate, you know what I am sayin?”
Me: “oh yeah”
Shirley: “Oh girl, I get bloated, and then I crave that salty stuff, like ruffles and then I want the sweet stuff. My man Roy say it ain’t good to eat too much of that shit, but when I am PMSing, I got it bad, you know what I am sayin?”
Me: “Oh yeah, I like the cheddar ruffles.”
Shirley: (Hands to the ceiling stomping around like we are in church.) “OH lord, that is the shit right there. Them cheddar ruffles, that is the mother fucking shit.”
Me: “I hear ya.”
Shirley: “Girl, you got me all hot and bothered, I gotta grab a smoke and have Roy bring me a slice of pizza.”
Me: “you have a good night now; I hope Roy comes through for you.”

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

the poem

Hi kids,

I am backk..

Ok, I didn't get it. Who is this Elizabeth Alexander? And what was that mess she mutter out? Where is our girl Maya? Why is there even poetry, i don't get it.
I was so touched and inspired till that frizzy mess got up with her "dinner table" business. Even the kid sitting next to Obama looked bored to tears.

I was lost and confused and over it.

Now on to Michelle. Yellow is not your color girl. Cute outfit, but the color was all wrong. Here's a tip, use a little Aqua Net, your bangs were out of control. Blowing every which way. Michelle should have borrowed Aretha's hat. Now that's a look.

Monday, January 5, 2009


Hi guys,
I am in vacation mode still, I will post shortly.

I will leave with a classic clip from How I met your Mother, another fav show of mine.