Tuesday, December 29, 2009

losing my holiday mojo

Ok, so I know I dropped off there for a bit, and I am sorry.

My pain in the ass ex co-worker FINALLY left--however, it totally screwed me on the work front. I have double the work and double the annoying people I have to deal with daily, leaving me cranky and literally out of time to blog. Not to mention all of the holiday crazziness, I am emotionally drained and burnt out.

My child has decided that he no longer sleeps through the night. Getting up at 2AM screaming "Mom, Mom, Mommy, Mom" is the new hip to do for 2 year olds, apparently.

Other than my son sucking the life out of me every night, things have been good. Stone is growing up so fast, and becoming cuter by the day. We did he whole Santa is coming production this year. It was amazing how quickly he caught on and made the connection with Santa and presents. Next year I can only imagine will be even better.

With the holidays winding down and the New year quickly apporaching, I am losing my mojo. Or maybe it is the abundance of holiday sweaters I am forced to look at every flipping day around this joint. Can someone please explain to me how ANY one person can thing a sweather with shit hanging all off of it is fashionable? Does a 40-something old woman need a sweater with a Santa on it???? I mean really...I just don't get it...

I promise to get better about the blogging thing in the New Year. Be patient with me...