Saturday, June 5, 2010

I get hate Arizona

Well F*ck you!!

I didn't realize how much everyone hates Arizona till this past month when I traveled to different parts of California two weekends in a row. Everytime I got carded, I got a nasty look and some smart ass comment like "do you want to see my papers?" Listen here fucktard. You are white!! So unless there is some random part of Mexico that breads hick white trash, I am pretty sure we are good.

So as I am sure all of you know, AZ passed a new immigration law recently that allows law enforcement to request documentation of legal residency if pulled over for a traffic violation. Let's clarify here. There is NOT a line of 40 cop cars waiting for every gardener in Phoenix to whip into Home Depot so they can zing them. And let's just call it is what it is. If you are in a truck, with 5 guys piled in the back, with a leaf blower AND you are in the Home Depot lot...isn't kind of your own fault? I am just saying....

I may joke, but I can say I don't care, nor do I support, or not support the new law. It is what it is. So assholes in Cali, I did NOT create the law or pass it nor do I enforce it--so back the fuck off and get momma her juice.

Every country, state and town has their own laws, some good and some bad. You don't see Italy shipping back Americans that are suspected of murder on purely circumstancial evidence do you? You don't see China treating American reporters with the highest level of kindness, DO YOU??? And you sure as hell do NOT receive an overwhelming amount of respect when you go to Mexico and support their econmy do you???? I think not bitches. I can't even get Rosa at the taco stand to crack a smile. Everywhere is fucked up. Not just AZ. AZ has a 100 other reasons why it sucks, this just being one of them at the middle of the list.

If you are so worried about the law, then here is some advice. If you ain't legal don't drive like an asshole, don't make yourself obvious (I am talking to you snake skin boot guy at Home Depot) and DO NOT sit in the back of a truck with 5 other guys and no seat belt. That is called a traffic violation my friend. That will get your ass capped.