Friday, January 15, 2010

The constant cycle of piss and shit

Hello, hello, hello...

So the holidays are over and I am 5lbs heavier and more in debt than I was 2 months ago. With the holidays and new year, I think we all look at our lives and try to find ways to improve it. One area of my personal life that has become neglected is our beloved dog Lexi. Lexi, who was once known as "Sexy Lexi" has really let herself go. I would look at her and think, "god girl, why have you let yourself put on all that weight?" Oh wait, that's my fault...shit. Lexi came into our lives with a live in pal, Chubs. Once 4 became 5 and Stone joined the family, Chubs wasn't not feeling it. Out of love for Chubs and our child we had to find Chubs a new home. (which by the way he is a king in his new pad, so I think we did the right thing)

Of course once we found Chubs a new home we (being my husband and I) made the commitment to spend more time with Lexi, yada, yada, yada...
With life, work, being a parent, time quickly slips away and before you know it the clock has hit 10PM and the life has been sucked out of you. Over the last year Lexi has really lost her spunky overly chipper personality and has become an old lazy chubby mut. All our fault.

After feeling the pressure from our sitter who often watches Lexi for us, we decided to get another dog. Because puppy mills and breeders piss me off, I will ONLY adopt or rescue a mut in need. I quickly started searching through non profit rescues and looking at their inventory of little fuzzy friends that needed homes. Not sure if the holiday spirit got to everyone but there were NO dogs available at the golden or lab rescue. NOT to mention it is close to impossible to get anyone to call you back. After feeling frustrated and annoyed, I turned to Craigslist. I remembered when we took in an abandoned dog Rocky, we were able to find him a great home on craigslist. So I thought, maybe there is a Rocky out there for us? A few caught my eye, but I was really trying to resist the puppy route. Between Stone and my every day life, the last thing i wanted to do was pick up more shit all day. My husband however, wanted that cute fluffy puppy...

We found an adorable 12 week old little 1/2 boxer/ 1/2 German Sheapard and just fell in love. About 10 minutes after meeting her, we agreed there was no need to search any longer. Nevermind that fact that the owner was planning on dropping her at the humane society that week if she couldn't find her a home. In my eyes, we just rescued a dog from being placed in a cage and possibly never placed in a home.

Lucy was great!! She slept through the night, loved Lexi, was great with Stone...
Then it happened. The first shit dropped and it hasn't stopped sense. As my husband complains about having to pick up piss and shit and constantly having to take shoes out of her mouth. I kindly, with love of course, remind him that he was the one who wanted a puppy. I was perfectly fine with an adult dog.

As I was picking up a big steamy piece of dog shit by the sliding door which was open, it hit me, my life is a constant cycle of shit and piss.

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