Monday, April 19, 2010

Let Freedom Ring B*tches!

So today was momma's first day of not working for the man, and I gotta tell you--momma like, momma like.

I got up at 7, got the rug rat ready, dropped his ass off at daycare, got my Starbucks on, and then ran my flabby ass around the hood. After all that jazz I ran some errands, got a massage and cooked up some yummy dinner. That's how you do it kids, just like that.

I dropped by the danger zone (aka Target) to pick up some goodies and found some kick ass stuff for the rug rats new room. Now that he is a kid and not so much a baby, we thought it was time to upgrade his ass and hook him up with some ikea shit.
$500 later, we have a tone of boxes all over our house, and rug rat has the same fucking room.

Speaking of Target. Have I mentioned I fucking hate people? Seriously. It aggravates me to no end how just any fucktard can pop out a dozen kidlets and expect my ass (my husband's ass) to pay for them to stay alive.

I had just entered Target and I see these too little UGLY bratty ass (chubby) kids RUNNING and SCREAMING up and down the aisles with what looked like grandma yelling "COME HERE! STOP RUNNING" with tears in her eyes. That little shits kept running right into me and almost knocked the kombucha out my hand. After watching the grandma desperately trying to catch up to them I said "hey, slow down, you are in a store and you should be respectful." Out of nowhere free Willy came stomping and said "we got them, they just got away, mind your own business!" Momma quickly looked around to try to find who that whale was talking to, because I know it was not me. Wait a fucking minute, I am the only one here. Her LARGE, I am talking LARGE, ass went stomping trying to catching her little shitheads, which kept running away from her and "grandma."

May I have a moment please? I typically do not involve myself with other folks business, HOWEVER, if you ugly ass kids are going to invade my personal shopping experience and almost knock my $3.59 kombucha out of my head, it is my mother****** business. I had a Bad Girls Club moment real quick, but then brought it back to level 2.

The point of my story is, if you can't catch your kids, get on a diet and tie that shit in a knot. The world does not need any more rotten kids running around.


Unknown said...

amen to that sistah! obnoxious parents need to GIT! congrats on your "freedom" hehe, enjoy :)

Kari said...

There was an old ass Sinbad bit he did in his stand up where he was talking about kids running around in a mall. As a fellow adult you should stick your foot out and trip them, then point and yell 'here they are! got 'em'. Of course, that probably would've given the whale an excuse to sue you, but it would be satisfying for a bit.