Monday, July 26, 2010

A constant let down..

I know I keep saying I will be back on my game, then I fail you again.

I have been really busy, and uninspired lately. Nothing interesting has happened to me and rather bore you to tears rambling about how cute my kid is and how fat I am...I decided the silence was better.

The only funny thing I have to offer you is that I will be prancing around in a bikini for a week in Maui. Now that is some funny shit.

The Hub and I are going to see his parents in Colorado with the spawn, then ditching his evil ass with the in-laws while we live it up in Maui. I get to go from Maui to the bay to see my friends and do Gaga with my mom. (yes my mom loves Gaga) while the hub has to fly back and get the spawn. It sounds a lot more exciting when I shop for cute shit to wear on my trips than when I just typed it for you. Sorry.

So this means I will be in vacation mode for 3 weeks, so no posts. Sorry.

I will try to come back with some good stories or pictures of myself with Dog the Bounty Hunter.

Ta-ta bitches!

1 comment:

Kari said...

Hi Jordana! Even tho you never post anymore I tagged you in 7 Facts award. If you want to play along, check it out here: Hope you're having a great week!