Wednesday, April 30, 2008

I have the worst luck..

ok, so I know I haven't posted in awhile but I am a busy bee.
Between shitty diapers and my sleepless nights, I still have a crappy job to go to each day.

I don't know what i did, and at what point in my life it was decided I would just have shitty luck, but it happened. I think I have had one consistant job after another that I hate. Maybe hate is a understatement, more like hang myself each morning while getting prepared to head into work.

I have had 1 job I enjoyed going to since living in Arizona. (yes Cindy, it was with you)
I think back to my great job at Intuit and I wonder if me leaving that awesome job if i had cursed myself for the rest of my life.

Lets recap my employment history in AZ:

-The crazy rug guy. Came into work yelling and drunk, argued with wife in front me, napped on the rugs and called me a whore.
- Marketing agency I had no real job function, but I sure looked pretty sitting there all day.
- Crazy sports guy, plotted to fire me and then acted shocked when i started avoiding him. Why are men so stupid?
- Property manager job : the owner was a complusive liar and cheap bastard.
- current job: my boss makes my life hell

I know you all envy me, but there can only be one person as lucky as me...

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