Thursday, April 10, 2008


soooo ummm I am radioactive.
It sounds weird, but its true. I finally had to resolve my thyroid issue (i got it from being pregnant) after I switched to every medication option available with no luck.
I had the choice, either cut my throat open and pray I live through surgery ORRR be radioactive for 3 days and kill that fucker.

I had to check in 2 hours before the "pill" even arrived. Once it arrived it was in this luck sack looking bag with a bottle sitting securely in the middle. The doctor instructed me to lift the cap and take the pill without touching it. When i proceeded to lift the cap I couldn't lift it up. I was like "is this some sort of trick bottle?" The doctor laughed and said you gotta put a little emhhhh in it.
So I tried again, that fucker must have weight 30 pounds, that's when i got nervous.
I had to wonder, something that needs this heavy of a cap to secure the pill from getting it safe?
So i did the natural thing..and hestitated. The doctor said, and I swear.."come on girl, just take the pill; it won't bite ya!"

So took the capsule..and was immediately escorted out the back door. I am radioactive and must remain 5 ft from any adult and 20 ft from any child under the age of 4, for 3 days.

To be extra safe I got a hotel room. ummm an interesting one at that. Its sort of the in the middle of all these office buildings and the staff looks like a charcter from The Adams Family.
The room is questionable. I am assuming they have a cleaning staff - but can't be certain. My fridge stinks of 10 day old chinese food and the "deluxe king bed" is a fold away bed.

Within 2 minutes of being in the room I realized I had to stay 3 whole days here and I panicked. should mandate that pictures are updated monthly.

The good news is I am not glowing green, the bad news...I am not superhuman.

I feel robbed.


Amy said...

That is so weird...Only you would have something like this happen to her. :) Love ya!

Sarah said...

That sounds scary! You're a super-hero.

Kari said...

I hope this helps your thyroid issue!! Take care of yourself!

La Belleza said...

What the hell?? I've never heard of this treatment. Sounds a little suspect! Hope it helps..