Tuesday, May 6, 2008

did that hurt???

No asshole, getting a tattoo felt great. Like a little piece of heaven.

Someone PLEASE explain to me why people insist on asking if tattoos hurt?
what part of a needle ripping through the skin sounds non-painful to someone?

Or when people ask "is he keeping you up?" Nope a 7 month old baby just does his own thing. Feeds himself, changes his own diaper. He is golden.

People are such idiots I can't stand it.

Some old hag asked me if my tattoo on my chest hurt. I looked at her stunned i was even being posed this question. It was like she has never seen one before and was exposed to something new. I said yes, as nice and as calm as I could. She said oh did all of them, or just that one? I kindly responded " It's a needle. CUTTING my skin open, they all hurt."

She just smiled. I am just floored that people like that exsist out there...

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