Monday, September 22, 2008

I'm backkk!

Ok bitches, I am back.
It's been awhile I know, but I have been busy. Believe it or not being unemployeed gives me less free time. As you all know having a job gives you more internet &%$# off time.
Its been a busy few months, I lost my job, Stone turned 1, I went to San Diego and Portland for a little vaca.
I finally got a new job I start in October which I am so ready to start.
I am still on a hopeless quest to lose weight but think I finally have it somewhat under control. I am still exhausted beyond belief and still hate people, so looks like nothing has changed. There is so much I can discuss but I think I will just stick to the most annoying thing that has happened to me lately.

Yes, you guessed it, it starts with a trip to Starbucks. So as you all remember I do the drive thru starbucks cause I usually have the kiddo with me. For some reason that drive through speaker thing makes people turn into total fucking idiots. To be clear I have never worked at Starbucks, I have learned their cult language through years of throwing $5/day down the drain. This is their language not mine.
So I pull up to the speaker and some annoying voice comes shouting through "GOOD MORNING! THANK YOU FOR CHOOSING STARBUCKS AT 44TH STREET AND THOMAS, THIS CARRIE WHAT CAN I GET STARTED FOR YOU THIS MORNING?" Is there a reason she needs to yell at me? I speak english. Its first thing in the morning, I obviously have not had my coffee yet, so what the hell makes her think I want to be greeted with her overly joyful ass. And Carrie thanks for pointing out which location I chose. I was slightly confused where i had driven myself to. Thank god I have you to help guide me through the city I live in.
So I order my drink "tripple, grande, non fat, 130 degree latte" as usual she wants to repeat my order to me 10 times to make sure I know what I ordered and are still ok with it. Then I get, now let me type that in? What??? What do you mean let you type it in. Were you not doing it the 3 times you said my order back to me. She gets it right 3 times, but when it comes to typing it in...oh jesus help me.
"So that's a grade, non fat, vanilla 180 degree latte?"
UMMM NO, NOT even fucking close!!!! After a minute or two repeating my order as if she were a chinese tourist we finally got things squared away. So I zip over to the window, and there she is. Bad perm and all. And yes, she already has her Halloween buttons on her apron, oh goodie.
"how are you this morning? It's a hot one today huh?"
Ok Carrie, let's get a few things straight. We are not girlfriends, nor will we ever be. So I could careless how you are or if you care how I am. Secondly, if you would shut the f* up and make my coffee I would be a lot better. Thirdly, we live in Arizona, its September. ITS HOT EVERY DAY!!!!!

I finally get my coffee, do you think it was right?? No of course not. Why does the world hate my so much????

Anyway, that's it for now. I will post on a weekly/bi weekly basis, keep checking back.


La Belleza said...

Your blog is like really good sex. I just came three times in fact so thank you.

Keep on kvetching, guuuurl.

Your biggest fan,

Kari said...

So glad you're back! Was getting bored without your blog! Here's to hoping you have psychic dreams!


tracie said...

Hey! Life has been dull w/o you. You are without any doubt my favorite fellow-people-hater. I really needed this!
