Sunday, November 23, 2008

Worst Week

Ugghhh are you kidding me?

Lipstick jungle, Pushing Daisies, Friday Night Lights AND Dirty Sexy Money ALL cancelled???? WTF????

I am just floored. How in the hell do shit shows like Heroes, Dancing with the Stars, Private Practice and Lost keep getting picked up and the only good shoes on TV get cancelled?? Someone please explain to me who is still watching Heroes? And if you are one of them, please explain the plot to me. Apparently, the "plot" is so confusing the actors on the damn show can't even explain it.

People, we must do something. Worst Week I fear is the next victim. PLEASE, watch and/or DVR/TIVO Worst Week EVERY Monday @ 9:30 pm. If you haven't watched it yet, pull yourself away from Heroes and WATCH IT. I promise you, one episode and you will be hooked!

Friday, November 7, 2008


Tuesday was an historic night, Barack Obama is our next president!!!

I got up at 5:00 am to go vote before work and stood in a huge line in the pitch black dark. I looked around and everyone looked excited and happy to be in line at 5 am in the morning, which was shocking in itself. It hit me that we had it in the bag. I spent the whole day rubbing our soon to be victory in every Republicans face that crossed my path. I couldn't help it. They had the last 8 years, I figured it was our turn! Let me have this moment!
I obsessively checked CNN all day hoping that something would happen to bring us closer to our victory. Even though not a single poll had closed, I still watched the little red/blue map like it runaway if not watched closely. I raced home after work and planted my ass right on the couch gazing into the TV. I flip flopped between channels and the Internet all evening watching every number very closely. There was a split second when Obama actually was in the lead for Arizona and I was filled with joy--then McCain took his state back. Its OK though, I mean I guess he deserves one state. We did take them all. :)

As the night went on I watched Obama wipe the floor with McCain and then suddenly across my screen "Barack Obama has won." I screamed and jumped around the living room like I won the lottery. I couldn't believe it. It felt so surreal, I didn't know what to feel. There was a point I almost felt sorry for McCain. Obama literally slaughtered him--his whole career crumbled in the matter of a few hours. Sadly, two things lead to his defeat : Bush & Palin, need I say more? Well there were a ton of other things too, but his VP selection just proved how incapable he actually was.

As I listened to Obama's speech and looked at his eyes full of pride I actually felt proud to be an American. It was so empowering to watch him walk across the stage as a quarter of million screamed and cried for his victory. It actually made me care about our country and hate America just a little less. I can not wait till January. It feels like it can't come quick enough. We did it! We got our country back!!!!!

On a side note: Prop 102 passed in AZ. It was disappointing, but expected. Even on a more disappointing note; Prop 8 passed in California. What the hell is wrong with people? I can't believe we have a (soon to be) black president, and openly transgender mayor in Oregon, but yet still, gay marriage is against the law. I look forward to the day where religion is a personal choice and no longer dictates the law.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Prop 102

It has been brought to my attention that recently an advertisement for YES on 102 was posted on my page by google ads. In case it wasn't clear in my earlier posts, I do NOT support Prop 102, nor would I ever endorse such a shitty law. I am totally outraged that google would allow political ads to be posted on my blog.

If you live in AZ, vote NO on prop 102. Do not allow religion to dictate the law.