Friday, November 7, 2008


Tuesday was an historic night, Barack Obama is our next president!!!

I got up at 5:00 am to go vote before work and stood in a huge line in the pitch black dark. I looked around and everyone looked excited and happy to be in line at 5 am in the morning, which was shocking in itself. It hit me that we had it in the bag. I spent the whole day rubbing our soon to be victory in every Republicans face that crossed my path. I couldn't help it. They had the last 8 years, I figured it was our turn! Let me have this moment!
I obsessively checked CNN all day hoping that something would happen to bring us closer to our victory. Even though not a single poll had closed, I still watched the little red/blue map like it runaway if not watched closely. I raced home after work and planted my ass right on the couch gazing into the TV. I flip flopped between channels and the Internet all evening watching every number very closely. There was a split second when Obama actually was in the lead for Arizona and I was filled with joy--then McCain took his state back. Its OK though, I mean I guess he deserves one state. We did take them all. :)

As the night went on I watched Obama wipe the floor with McCain and then suddenly across my screen "Barack Obama has won." I screamed and jumped around the living room like I won the lottery. I couldn't believe it. It felt so surreal, I didn't know what to feel. There was a point I almost felt sorry for McCain. Obama literally slaughtered him--his whole career crumbled in the matter of a few hours. Sadly, two things lead to his defeat : Bush & Palin, need I say more? Well there were a ton of other things too, but his VP selection just proved how incapable he actually was.

As I listened to Obama's speech and looked at his eyes full of pride I actually felt proud to be an American. It was so empowering to watch him walk across the stage as a quarter of million screamed and cried for his victory. It actually made me care about our country and hate America just a little less. I can not wait till January. It feels like it can't come quick enough. We did it! We got our country back!!!!!

On a side note: Prop 102 passed in AZ. It was disappointing, but expected. Even on a more disappointing note; Prop 8 passed in California. What the hell is wrong with people? I can't believe we have a (soon to be) black president, and openly transgender mayor in Oregon, but yet still, gay marriage is against the law. I look forward to the day where religion is a personal choice and no longer dictates the law.

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