Sunday, November 23, 2008

Worst Week

Ugghhh are you kidding me?

Lipstick jungle, Pushing Daisies, Friday Night Lights AND Dirty Sexy Money ALL cancelled???? WTF????

I am just floored. How in the hell do shit shows like Heroes, Dancing with the Stars, Private Practice and Lost keep getting picked up and the only good shoes on TV get cancelled?? Someone please explain to me who is still watching Heroes? And if you are one of them, please explain the plot to me. Apparently, the "plot" is so confusing the actors on the damn show can't even explain it.

People, we must do something. Worst Week I fear is the next victim. PLEASE, watch and/or DVR/TIVO Worst Week EVERY Monday @ 9:30 pm. If you haven't watched it yet, pull yourself away from Heroes and WATCH IT. I promise you, one episode and you will be hooked!

1 comment:

wastedyouth said...

The vast unwashed have spoken and again we are disappointed, broken-hearted and mad. Why do we continue to expect better from the networks? Look up the definition of insane. Flee to alternative modes of escape from the everyday. Of course, it's too late for me, my DVR doesn't lie.