Thursday, September 24, 2009

Something a little different

I thought I would take a little break from my typical daily rants and TV reviews and write about something that doesn't involve bitchy fashion designers.

I made a day trip out to the bay area yesterday to attend the funeral of a my friend's husband who passed away on Monday. It was something I wasn't sure I could pull off considering I had only a few hours to arrange a plane flight and a ground transportation, but I was glad I did.

Some of you that remember my Intuit days, most likely recall me talking about my boss Sonita. Those who remember this, also remember how much I adored and loved her. I can honestly say because of her I was given opportunities that otehrwise would have passed me by. Not only was she an amazing person to work for, she was an amazing woman to know. I always admired her and her position at Intuit. She was well respected, liked and feared. Everything a woman should be. Still to this day, I compare every boss to her and every work situation to how she would handle it, or how she would advise me to approach the situation. I don't know that she ever realized what an outstanding person she is, or if the dozens of people she helped blossom into their careers ever thanked her for her time and efforts.

When I first started working for her at Intuit, I was told her husband was diagnosed with cancer and he most likely wouldn't make it through the year. The type of cancer Iqbal had was very fatal and it was estimated he wouldn't make it past 2 years. Well it's been close to 9 years and he was still going. I am not sure if I thought it was amazing and he was a miracle, or if it slipped my mind he was even sick.

I didn't know Iqbal much personally, other than the occasional dinners at Sonita's or the trip to Tahoe together for Christmas. But what I do remember about him was how much Sonita loved and adored him. When she described her relationship with Iqbal, I would always think to myself "that is what I want." It's hard to believe with the divorce rate in America that any couple is ever happy anymore. And if you knew Sonita, you knew she didn't do feelings. So to hear her open about him, you really knew it was something special and beyond any one's understanding. Because of all of this, I felt it 100% necessary for me to drop everything and make a last minute trip out there to help support her and her daughter during this time.
I knew it was going to be a tear jerker, and as you guys know--I don't do feelings either...and I was right, it was incredibly sad. As usual, Sonita was the strongest person in the room, while the rest of us busted into tears as she spoke about Iqbal, and her relationship with him. But that is Sonita, she is always the backbone for everyone around her. I was able to see and catch up with a few other folks I worked with and we shared stories about Sonita and Iqbal and laughed, cried and laughed some more.
The story that always sticks with me is when Iqbal decided to be an artist. He really threw himself into his art and even traveled to the South of France to work with other artists each year. When he first started taking classes he sent Sonita a picture and asked her to print it out for him. For those of you who worked with Sonita, you all remember how horrible she was at emails, and anything technical for that matter. So being the "Super Sec" I was, I printed the picture out and placed it on her desk. I left a sticky note on her computer screen "I put your husband's balls on your desk."
Roughly an hour letter she came up to me and said "what the fuck are you talking about? And why in the fuck are you touching my husband's balls?" Once I explained that the picture was of balls...we laughed...oh we laughed. Not really a touching story, but it was funny, and I think it capture the spirit of our relationship.

Every time someone I know passes away or suffers some sort of tragedy, it makes me feel old and forces me to evaluate my life. It makes me wish I was 12 again and the biggest worry I have is if I will be first one in line for the new Stone Temple Pilots album. Getting older forces you to face life's challenges that sometimes feel to overwhelming. Do you think if I start wearing jelly shoes and listening to Debbie Gibson, I can turn back time?

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Get lost frizz...Part 1

Listen up ladies, I just got the Keratin treatment done last night and I am super stoked for my results to be revealed this Thursday.

What is this Keratin treatment, you ask? It is a smoothing and straightening process that you can get to help your hair be virtually maintenance and frizz free. It is also very safe for your hair, so it helps improve your hair's health in the process.

They say the treatment lasts anywhere from 3-5 months, depending on how often you shampoo your hair. Every time you wash your hair, you wash $$$ down the drain. The cost is pretty steep and can vary depending on the length of your hair and the salon's pricing. I won't reveal what I paid, but I will say it wasn't cheap. HOWEVER, if I get the results I am hoping for, it will be money well spent!

Ok, let's get down to the process, I am sure you are all wondering "how do they do this?"
I arrived at the salon at 5:15PM. I did get my base color done which padded about 40 minutes on to my time there. Once they rinsed my color out they used a purifying shampoo and cleaned the shit out of my mop. I am talking CLEAN as a whistle!!!! I was worried how they were going to comb through this mess, but she managed.
My hairdresser applied the Keratin (Coppola brand, there are a few on the market I found out through some research)section by section, carefully combining it through so every strand was covered which took about 30 minutes. When she was done applying the formula; it looked like I dunked my hair in a jar of Crisco oil. She set the timer for 20 mins and we enjoyed some wine and chatted about shopping, money and boys. DING!!!!! time is up. I was so excited for my big reveal, what's next??? Do I look like Heidi Klum now? Am I skinner??? Tell me!!! She then removed some of the excess oil from my hair and started to blow dry my mess out...I mean mess. But wait, she wasn't using a brush or anything, just her hands to work through my mop and it didn't look like the mess it normally does....could it be that easy??? Fat chance.

Now we enter the flat ironing process. She used this special flat iron that is designed specifically for this process to flat iron the hell out of my hair, tiny section, by tiny section. It doesn't hurt or damage the hair if done correctly. There are a range of "passes" the iron should take on each section based on your hair and the results you are trying to obtain. My gal is a true professional, so she knew what she was doing. When it was all done, it looked silky smooth and fab!!

Now for the bad news. You cannot wash your hair for 3 fricking days!!! That means NO moisture. (i.e. sweat, cardio exercise, oils from your hands, styling products, etc.)That was a total bummer. My gal suggested taking baths to prevent any chance of my hair getting unnecessary moisture, which made sense. She also advised against putting any kind of hair ties or bobby pins in my hair, and and most importantly, NO tucking my hair behind my ears!!! I guess your hair becomes easily formed, like you are molding clay those 3 days while the product sets in.

I left the salon at about 9:30PM and are scheduled to return Thursday for my cut and big reveal...stay tuned for more results.

UPDATE: So here I am, day 2 (it was done Monday night) and I am feeling a little grungy looking today. Very Kurt Cobain. Ugghhh, I can't imagine what tomorrow will be like. Good thing I live in the Arizona desert...

Monday, September 14, 2009

Dear Kayne,

You are the biggest douchbag I have ever seen in my life.
Who in the fuck do you think you are to stomp on stage and interrupt someone else???
Sadly, I agree with you that Beyonce had a better video, however, Taylor won--so deal with it.

I think you have bigger issues in your life you need to focus on. LIKE your ass-ugly girlfriend who shaves her head like it is 1983. Annie worked that look in the '80s and there is a reason she hasn't brought it back. Your porn star girlfriend should invest in a wig. I am sure Kim from the Real Housewives can help her out.

Secondly, you look like a total fucktard with all those swirls on your head. Who convinced you that looked good? I know you think you are some musical trailblazer, but I just heard your new song with Jay-Z and Rhianna, and I couldn't tell which versus was yours or Jay-z...sad. I give it a year before your albums end up in the .99 cent bin at some washed up record store.

Well, congrats!! I think we are all winners after last night. If MTV has any ounce of self respect; you will never be nominated again for an award you bucktooth piece of garbage!

Holy Hell

Bill Compton? Eric? Who shall I kidnap and lock in my love chamber?

Decisions, decisions....

So True Blood had it's season 2 finale last night, and I must say--the build-up was unnecessary.

HOWEVER, I was overjoyed with the decision to kill the whole Maryann story within the first 30 minutes. I couldn't take another episode of zombie eyed hillbillies fucking each other. The story needed to die. After Maryann's departure, the town turned back to normal and everything seem pretty as peaches. Bill (being the hot sexy vampire he is) sent Sookie a lavender dress and an invite for a "night out." Bill rented out a French restaurant to stage his marriage proposal to Miss Stackhouse. Of course Sookie acted surprised, and unsure of what to say. She breaks to the ladies room all flustered to "freshen up" and looks at herself in the mirror with the engagement ring on. Once Sookie decided the ring was worthy enough for an acceptance she rushed out to see her hunky vamp--------------gone!! WTF?????

While Sookie was admiring the diamond Bill was abducted by who could only be Eric!!! Some asshole (I am assuming it must be Eric because of the Queen ordering him to hush Bill about the vampire blood trafficking thing.)

Eric and I have a love / hate relationship. One minute I want to attack him and make him my love slave and the next I want to run him over with my car. What's a girl to do?? I guess I just have to love him. I wonder how tall he is? 6'12? Is that possible? He looks like some sort of god when he walks around in his little muscle tanks. Go Eric, get your muscle on.

Why couldn't they just leave the season with Bill and Sookie engaged and start season 3 off with a bang?? Is that too much to ask? Now I have to wait months to find out who took Bill and what will happen between him and Sookie. This is insanity, and I refuse to accept this as the season ending. HBO, you owe me an explanation!!!!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Jumpsuit??? Really?

Ok, so now PR (Project Runway) is starting to get good!
I was a little put off when they announced this week's challenge--design for the annoying skinny ditsy models. BUT then I heard the models attempt to describe their ideas, and I died.

Royal blue jumpsuit with gold? ummm, how does that even start to sound attractive to someone? I do admire Shirin's response to her model, which didn't exactly go like this, but it should of "what the fuck are you thinking? That sounds like a flea market $10 get up." But it was something along those lines. I wish I could say Shirin's compromise was half as good as her response, but it was awful. But of course her model who lacks any sort of style, loved it. She would.
Another failure was Gordana's design. She has a great name, but that is about it. It was unflattering and blended in with the models skin. I couldn't tell where the dress started or ended. See the dress here.

Need a prom dress? A really dull fugly prom dress?? Johnny has got you covered baby. The whole point of the challenge was to make their model "stand out" at an industry event, so he picked a eggplant taffeta shit fabric. THEN he took a sickly thin model and made her look about 30lbs heavier. Well, the good news is, she will stand out for sure...humpty dumpty dressed as a frumpy eggplant. See the dress here.

Someone call a thai call girl??

CORRECTION: The designer was Crystal, not Valerie. Valerie was the model. Still a shit dress.

Drum roll...the worst dress of the night goes to..............Valerie. Congrats girl! You managed to take a 20 year old twig and make her look like a 45 yr old frumpy mess. You are going places baby. Nothing like a ill fitting black mini to make your model stand out. This rare accomplishment sent her packing this week. I can't say I will miss her, to be honest I forgot she was even on the show.

Now for my favs this week:

Christopher not your typical look, but I liked it a lot. Didn't earn him a spot in the top 3, but should have.

Carol Hannah I can see this not being so flattering on some girls, but I liked the overall look. Very cute and perfect for a xmas party.

Althena This had my name written all over it. I LOVED this look. And could not believe when the other designers had the balls to even try to talk shit on this design. hmmm hmm and who won this week??? Huh? That's right bitches!!!

On a side note. I am suffering from a new addiction. True Blood. I know this is so 2008, but I am just getting on the train now. I have managed to watch season 1 and season 2 (all geared up for tonight's season finale) in the past week and I am addicted like it is a drug. I mean I knew it must have been a great show when Depeche Mode made a video with the cast members for Corrupt, but seeing was believing. I am in heaven and hooked. I highly suggest getting on board if you haven't already.
This is a far cry from the teen sensation Twilight and well worth the watch.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Flipping out

Ok, so I know most of you (assuming anyone still reads my blog) was expecting me to talk PR (Project Runway), however, last week left me feeling sort of indifferent, so I don't have much to share.

BUT, one of my fav shows is back, Flipping Out on Bravo, with my fav gay Jeff Lewis.
I know most people find his behavior crazy and sometimes unbelievable, but I can't get enough. Who tells their employees that they can only spend 60 seconds in the bathroom and pooping is not allowed? I mean really? Jeff does, that's who.

This season Jeff hired one of his girlfriends Rachel, who is a hot mess, even beyond the wind tunnel freshly fucked crazed hair. WHO shows up almost 30 minutes to work then thinks it is a good idea to spend another 20 putting on their face to be presentable?
Hello? The worst part was she looked the same and the time spent in the bathroom (which drove Jeff crazy because all he could think about was how she must be shitting in there) and nothing to show for it!! I was just waiting for his head to pop off his head and fly across the room. He made her cry about twice and there were maybe 5 other times she should have cried. I just don't get why friends hire friends and think it will ever work. The kicker was that SHE quit. Friday at 5Pm she tells him she got another job and won't be back on Monday. "I wouldn't leave you hanging." Rachel, sweetie, giving 10 minutes notice is leaving someone hanging you dumb ass. It was bittersweet. I enjoyed watching her fuck up every day, but there appears to be a new hot guy replacing her, so all is well in LA. :)

I am way behind on my TV shows as I have been traveling the past 2 weeks, but what the fuck is this Models of the Runway shit? When did models become relevant? Most importanly, who cares how they feel? I know I don't. I actually felt my brain shrinking as the show went on. I hope it was some random special and not a weekly show--I can't stand it.