Monday, September 14, 2009

Dear Kayne,

You are the biggest douchbag I have ever seen in my life.
Who in the fuck do you think you are to stomp on stage and interrupt someone else???
Sadly, I agree with you that Beyonce had a better video, however, Taylor won--so deal with it.

I think you have bigger issues in your life you need to focus on. LIKE your ass-ugly girlfriend who shaves her head like it is 1983. Annie worked that look in the '80s and there is a reason she hasn't brought it back. Your porn star girlfriend should invest in a wig. I am sure Kim from the Real Housewives can help her out.

Secondly, you look like a total fucktard with all those swirls on your head. Who convinced you that looked good? I know you think you are some musical trailblazer, but I just heard your new song with Jay-Z and Rhianna, and I couldn't tell which versus was yours or Jay-z...sad. I give it a year before your albums end up in the .99 cent bin at some washed up record store.

Well, congrats!! I think we are all winners after last night. If MTV has any ounce of self respect; you will never be nominated again for an award you bucktooth piece of garbage!

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