Sunday, September 13, 2009

Jumpsuit??? Really?

Ok, so now PR (Project Runway) is starting to get good!
I was a little put off when they announced this week's challenge--design for the annoying skinny ditsy models. BUT then I heard the models attempt to describe their ideas, and I died.

Royal blue jumpsuit with gold? ummm, how does that even start to sound attractive to someone? I do admire Shirin's response to her model, which didn't exactly go like this, but it should of "what the fuck are you thinking? That sounds like a flea market $10 get up." But it was something along those lines. I wish I could say Shirin's compromise was half as good as her response, but it was awful. But of course her model who lacks any sort of style, loved it. She would.
Another failure was Gordana's design. She has a great name, but that is about it. It was unflattering and blended in with the models skin. I couldn't tell where the dress started or ended. See the dress here.

Need a prom dress? A really dull fugly prom dress?? Johnny has got you covered baby. The whole point of the challenge was to make their model "stand out" at an industry event, so he picked a eggplant taffeta shit fabric. THEN he took a sickly thin model and made her look about 30lbs heavier. Well, the good news is, she will stand out for sure...humpty dumpty dressed as a frumpy eggplant. See the dress here.

Someone call a thai call girl??

CORRECTION: The designer was Crystal, not Valerie. Valerie was the model. Still a shit dress.

Drum roll...the worst dress of the night goes to..............Valerie. Congrats girl! You managed to take a 20 year old twig and make her look like a 45 yr old frumpy mess. You are going places baby. Nothing like a ill fitting black mini to make your model stand out. This rare accomplishment sent her packing this week. I can't say I will miss her, to be honest I forgot she was even on the show.

Now for my favs this week:

Christopher not your typical look, but I liked it a lot. Didn't earn him a spot in the top 3, but should have.

Carol Hannah I can see this not being so flattering on some girls, but I liked the overall look. Very cute and perfect for a xmas party.

Althena This had my name written all over it. I LOVED this look. And could not believe when the other designers had the balls to even try to talk shit on this design. hmmm hmm and who won this week??? Huh? That's right bitches!!!

On a side note. I am suffering from a new addiction. True Blood. I know this is so 2008, but I am just getting on the train now. I have managed to watch season 1 and season 2 (all geared up for tonight's season finale) in the past week and I am addicted like it is a drug. I mean I knew it must have been a great show when Depeche Mode made a video with the cast members for Corrupt, but seeing was believing. I am in heaven and hooked. I highly suggest getting on board if you haven't already.
This is a far cry from the teen sensation Twilight and well worth the watch.


Jen said...

HA!!!! I knew you'd love True Blood! You were so not a believer when I told you I watched it!!
I'm loving PR as well.. but who is Valerie?? Do you mean Crystal(who spells her name kind of whack).. I loved the white dress too, but can't remember the guy's name who designed it.

Michelle said...

I'm so glad we have the same taste in TV shows! I wish we could watch them together!