Wednesday, November 4, 2009


I realized I started to blog on 2 different topics, totally unrelated, and never followed up on either one of them.

My September 15th post, Get Lost Frizz
I'm just shady like that (a classic tale)

First, an update on my Keratin treatment. I loved it! My after results were amazing. For those of you who are Facebook users, search Snapdragon Studio, in Phoenix and check out the before & after photos. The only bad news is, you cannot and should NOT ever use any products with SODIUM SULFATE in it. Super no, no. Well, I guess our friends at Bumble & Bumble reformulated their thickening spray, without telling anyone. Guess what new ingredient they added? Yes, the devil. So as much as I loved the treatment, I noticed it fading really fast. For the amount of money I paid, I expected a little more wear to come from this. I casually mentioned it to my hairdresser and she asked "do you have the Thickening spray or the Thickening Hairspray?" There's a difference? I went home and checked, and I had the "hairspray" version, which apparently is the new one with the sodium sulfate in it. I spent weeks being super careful and trying not to wash my hair unless needed to preserve my treatment, meanwhile I was stripping the treatment the entire time. Total bummer. Ladies, always check the bottle, even if you used it forever.

Now on to me, Miss "Shady", my nightmare co-worker has given her notice. (HOOOORRRAAYYY!) one less thing to deal with at work. I felt indifferent toward her for awhile, but then as she became more negative and bitchy (hard to imagine that is possible) I became more withdrawn and annoyed with her presence. I just couldn't wrap my head around how an adult could act this way and get away with it for 3 years. I just don't get it. I am glad she left before things got ugly. In addition to her stunt with me, she alienated the entire group here at work and made it pretty apparent that she was doing us all a favor by showing up. The only down fall is that I have to pick of the slack of her work. Which honestly, is better than dealing with her childish shit all day. I have feeling she will not be missed, and there will be no tears shed on her last day. I guess in the end, we all get what we deserve. Being "Shady" paid off after all.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Another one bites the dust

Let's recap last week...

Gordana, although she sports a super hot, fun and sexy name, she dresses her models like nuns going for a night out on the town. Seriously, who would wear this crap?
Want to go from super skinny to humpty dumpty? Where this shitty suit from the earlier 90's. Good job Gordana. Way to disgrace the name...

Christopher's dress looked like it took a shit all over the floor after eating a bag of marshmallows. I used to love him, but now I have ask myself how he continues to last in this competition. Do you think if Logan cried he would have stayed? Get a box of Kleenex and shut up you big baby!

Carol Hannah, although she has a total white trash name, and sometimes trailer park tendencies, she designed a super cute dress. It is perfect for all of those holiday parties coming up!

Ughhh this is the part I hate. Giving a total &^%$ any credit. Irina the school bully (aka bitch face)did a good design once again. (annoying!) I wish just one week the judges would say something negative to this %$#@. Her attitude reminds me very much of a certain someone I work with. Bitter, insecure, nasty, unprofessional and jaded.
Irina is not that cute to be acting the way she does. Big bug eyes and Bugs Bunny teeth. If you are going to be a total a*hole on TV, you better make sure you are something special. For those of you who care to see her design, look here.

Drum roll....the winning look is....
Althea obviously had me in mind when she created her little outfit. I would rock that all day long up and down the halls at work. Everyone loves a over sized sweater. Althea deserved to win. In typical Irina fashion (once again, reminds me of my co-worker) had to make sure everyone knew she was better by slamming Althea's design. Irina, no one is trying to copy you. Get over yourself!
Althea held herself together and did not fly across the stage and beat that bitch down, like she should have. Go Althea!

Ladies...and my gays..grasp yourself...this is the hard part...
Booooyfrrrieeeennddd Logan crashes and burns...
(For you straight men. Boyfriend is just like hey, that's boyfriend. You are cute, not great, but cute.)
Boooooyyyyyyyyffffrrrrrrieeeennnnnnddd is that you are super yummy and pleasing to the eyes. You have to drag the whole word out.

Logan, sweetie, what happened here? Let's be honest, you aren't the most talented designer. But could you have not done something better for us? I don't even know what this is supposed to be?
This is like Forever 21 $5 clearance rack. Could you not have racked that pretty little head of yours and pulled together something a little less Battle Star Galactica?
Sadness. You dug your own grave, and the judges just filled the hole.

My predictions: Christopher will be gone next week
Top 3, Althea, Bitch Face, & Carol Hannah