Friday, March 28, 2008

Everyone annoys me

I am having one of those days where everyone is annoying the shit out of me.
Everyone is in a funk and is asking the most lame questions it makes me want to hang myself from the AC vent in my office.

"Oh, is that yellow?"
-Does it LOOK like yellow? OBVIOUSLY SO...otherwise you wouldn't have even asked.
"It's Friday right?"
-I don't know asshole, look at the calendar hanging above your computer. May lead you in the right direction.
"Did you drive your car into work today?"
-No I crawled. I thought it might inspire Stone to do the same. WTF kind of question is that? How about can I get a ride to happy hour. Did you drive your car? They posed the question as if I normally do not have my car, which has never been the case.
"The light (next to the drop if water on the coffee machine) is blinking and it won't work, do you think its broken?"
-OMG some please shoot me. Are you f* me? Where is the hidden camera? This can't be real. That is what the BIG GREEN LIGHT IS that is in the shape of a drop of water.

I know I am not a patient person, and anyone who knows me should understand that at this point. With some people, its not sinking in.

Maybe someone will ask me if that is hair on my head or if those are shoes on my feet. Kids, finish school..


La Belleza said...

OMG I'm laughing my ass off. Didn't think anyone was more sarcastic than me. You sure you're not from the east coast???

Jupiter said...

Oh,thank god I'm not the only one annoyed with everyone lately. I mourn the death of common sense.That's what a lot of it boils down to.