Monday, September 29, 2008

did you really just prank call me?

Ladies and gents,

I got prank called this weekend. Yes I know, it took me back..way back. I felt young again, more like 14.

About 11:00pm my cell rang from a "restricted" number. I answered not thinking anything of it and was greeted by Brittany from "Scottsdale." i don't know about you but I usually just say my name, not my place of residence. Brittany found my name in her boyfriend's phone and wanted to know who i was. She said she knew i was from the bay and her boyfriend was from Scottsdale. Well Brittany it seems like you know who I am already, unless your boyfriend is a bigger douche than you and listed me as Jordana from the bay in his phone. Brittany continued on stressing where everyone was from and when I asked who her boyfriend was she said "Brian" i was like ok, Brian who? Brittany answered "Brian Fontana." My response, " I have no idea who the fuck that is, please don't call me again." Brittany said "you should watch TV then."

Is there a famous actor named Brian Fontana I am unaware of? Never heard of him, maybe he is up and coming. My fav part of the whole call was that they thought they were being funny. I was like are we 12 here?

I know this wasn't a great entry, but I had to share...

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