Friday, October 3, 2008

The happiest day in my life...(well almost)

Ladies and gents I have an announcement to make...Krispy Kreme is back in this bitch!!!

Two long sad years ago the guy who owned ALL of the Arizona KK's went bankrupt and all of his stores suddenly were forced to close their doors. It was a dark day in Arizona. My whole pregnancy I could only dream of warm delicious glazed donuts melting my mouth. Waiting for my trip to Portland for my seasonal pumpkin donuts.It was a hard time in my life. No Sprinkles, No Kripy was horrible. A time I usually like to not discuss.

Well the economy may suck, but I have a Sprinkles and as of Wednesday 3 new Phoenix locations of Krispy Kreme! To sweeten the deal, one of the new locations is blocks from my house. Walking distance....

See that green awning going up was like seeing my newborn son for the first time.
For those of you thinking "what's the big deal? it's only Krispy Kreme?" Well, its cause you have never been robbed of your Krispy Kremes.You don't know what you have till its gone!

I will give you one guess what season it is...

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