Thursday, September 25, 2008

Kenley, why are you such a skank?

For those of you who watch Project Runway can you please explain to me why Kenley is such a dirty skank??

I hate everything about her.Her ugly headbands, those big dead bird wings she glues to her head and her white-trash teeth. She is so impressed with herself its literally amazing to me. I mean only 21, she must know everything. When all you can make is I love lucy dresses, I guess you are the real deal.

My fav Kenley moment is when she is assigned to make Leann, the nerd from Portland into a hip-hop diva..I could have died. While everyone tried to explain what hip hop was to this white chick stuck in the 50's she insisted she had it nailed. She even had the balls to tell Tim Gunn he had no idea what hip-hop was. OK NO one talks back to Tim Gunn, no one!
She seriously (and this is not a joke) said her outfit was very Alicia Keys. I just about died. Since when is the piano playing half white girl the Hip Hop authority? I couldn't stand it. I know when I think hip-hop, I think Mariah Carey..all the way. Not anyone like Missy Elloitt, Jay-Z, Lil Kim, I mean Celine Dion is more hip-hop than Kenley. Leann looked like Alicia Silverstone in the movie The Babershop. NOT cute. Kenley, grew a sack at judging and argued with Nina Garcia and Michael Kors, oh no you didn't.Bitch you are as good as died to the gay community! She has also been quoted saying "if I hear Heidi (Klum) talking nonsense, I will set her straight." I am sorry, remind me who is the multi-millionaire and who is the broke bitch on project runway? When Heidi questions the height of your boobs in your dress, you answer her, not correct her! I cannot look at another floral, 50's dress with twill.
Someone please help me understand why I am forced to hear this snaggle tooth bitch another week?

SOMEONE, ANYONE, Tell me how this is hip hop, help a white girl out!

1 comment:

Kari said...

I hate hate hate hate hate Kenley too! I hate her stupid voice and her stupid same look every runway, but yes, the topper for me was when she said that she wouldn't change anything for Tim. I WANT HER GONE!!!!!!