Wednesday, September 24, 2008

A Mother's Revenge

When I was a little I used to act out, a lot. My mother would always say "the best revenge will be when you have your own children." Of course I would roll my eyes and tell her I wasn't having kids and that I hated her. You know, typical tweenie behavior.

Now that I am a mother I see what she was saying. Don't get me wrong, Stone is a GREAT kid, but even great kids have those days. Its like a guessing game each day. What will he want to eat today, is it his teeth, his stomach or is he just trying to piss me off? This morning has been rough. My kid has teeth coming through every day it seems. I have never seen a 1 yr old with so many damn teeth. Just as we get one set through, the next day another one starts pushing. I really thought I would want to be a stay at home mom, you know "raise my own child." But after doing it for most of his life I know now, that I like to work. Its overwhelming and lonely being a mom. Trying to do anything is impossible. Showering is a luxury and eating a normal meal is a thing of the past. I have no idea how my friends Tracie and Jackie stay at home with TWO kids. I can't even manage my 1, and they have TWO. They are my heroes, right after Kathy Griffin of course. :)

This morning started with slapping everything out of my hand, pulling my hair...crying and screaming for breakfast then proceeding to feed it to the dog while smiling at me and screaming. Then he wanted to play, but I had to watch him play. the minute I even turned my head he would scream and hit my leg. Then his favorite show The Backyardigns came on, which usually keeps him glued to the TV for 30 minutes, umm no. I had to sit next to him and watch it together. He kept looking at me to make sure I was watching. is it possible that a 1yr old could be so controlling? There are times I want to give the dog a diaper bag and shove them both outside and pray they survive. I want to sleep in without having to be up every hour the night before. I want to go out in public without Stone dropping a nasty shit, EVERY time. Is this too much to ask?

So mom, you were right. You have gotten your revenge. And one day...Stone will have his own kids, and I will make sure I get mine. The circle of life!

1 comment:

Nameless said...

nice - personal yet universal, specific and cyclical... nice editorial.