Thursday, July 30, 2009

I am just shady like that

Work and friends, I always say they never mix. When will I learn?

Without getting into too much detail I had a confrontation with my work "friend" this week. I didn't realize I was having one till the word "shady" came shooting out of her mouth directed at me. I was like what? Bitch, yes. Bold, yes. Critical, sometimes. Shady? umm I think not.

It is amazing to me how people can just flip on the drop of a dime. You spend months working and spending time with someone and you think, we are friends, they have my back. At least you would assume that is how adults would act. ( I use the term adults, loosely..)

It all goes back to me moving into a position that originally 1 person did that was broken into 2 positions. I took one half and that person took another. I guess our boss made promises to that person that I was unaware of and apparently that he did not keep. (I have to wonder if he even recalls making the promise)

Fast forward to Monday where it is confirmed I am set to travel as part of MY position to Canada with another co-worker. The individual mentioned above did not take kindly to that information and felt somehow wronged by the situation and by the fact she was not included in the trip. She grew angry and hurt. I felt bad and wished I understood why our boss would leave her out. She had worked here for 2 years and really worked hard to prove herself, how could she be overlooked. I examined the situation more closely:
  • She no longer handles the area in which this trip is focusing on
  • I do the day-to-day grunt work and communications with the people who require support
  • There is really no work related reason for her to take this trip
  • Why does she even care? She wanted NOTHING to do with this group till this trip came up

Tuesday rolls around, I get the cold shoulder.
Wednesday rolls around I get approached in my cubicle and told "I thought you were my friend" "you are shady" "you kept the trip from me, I am disappointed in you." and so on.

I am sure you are asking yourself, why this person would be so angry at me?
Trust me, I asked myself the same question several times while I was being yelled at like a 8 year old who stole a $5 bill from their mommy's wallet. Sadly, I came up empty.

I simply replied that I had no idea she was even supposed to go and that the trip and how she even figures I kept it from here when it hadn't even been booked till that day was beyond me. She acknowledged I didn't know she was supposed to go then told me I was lying and that the trip had been discussed weeks ago. Which is true, however, it also got cancelled or moved 4 times. I didn't think it was an issue or a big secret, so how I was being "shady" was still confusing to me.
Somehow, in some way, this person still felt very strongly that I had somehow wronged them and was "shady." I was speechless, and for those of you who know me, I am rarely speechless. I have a witty come back for just about everything. Sitting on the verge of a complete meltdown--it took every ounce of me to hold myself back from saying "GET OVER IT!!!!" Life isn't fair, deal with it! You do not work in this area anymore, I do all the shit work day in and day out and I was asked to go. Just because there is one semi perk involved does not mean you can just jump on the train. NEWSFLASH*** being at a company "longer" does not make you better or more suitable to handle a job. This isn't a contest, and learn to deal with your shit in more mature constructive ways instead of picking fights with the small fish because you don't have the balls to bring it up with the big fish. I don't even get the rational. It is beyond my realm of thinking to even understand why she could be so angry at ME, or angry at all.

I went from being bummed to overly pissed that this person even felt as much entitled to talk to me this way in front of my colleagues and to attack my personal character when clearly she is the one who is acting shady to not even caring. The problem is, everything I wanted to say, would have gone in one ear and out another. The more I ran it through my head while she was wiping the floor with my ass, it would have been pointless. Historically, this person has been very abusive toward me for a long time. Always making it a point how much better she is at her job than me and how she deserves to be promoted and rewarded over me. I always let it go (which is not my personality at all) and chalked it up to "it's just the way she is" but not anymore. I am done and over it. I graduated high school in '99 and have no intention of going back. (yes Prince's 1999 song was our theme song) I was so rubbed the wrong way by the whole thing and how someone who is so bright in the work they do could act so childish in their personal life, and even worse not to see how irrational they are being.

Thursday, we pass in the halls and avoid each other. Oh the fun...what will Friday bring?

Friday, July 24, 2009

They got it right!!

Congrats to our girl Anna, the winner of The Fashion Show on Bravo!!!

I must admit I got a little nervous when they awared Daniella the judge's choice, but America got it right for once. Not only did she win, she smoked the competition!!!

A few highlights from the season finale. They had a mini reuinion before they announced the winner and it was really interesting to see some of the people post show and what a bunch of cry baby assholes they all were. Reco so did not want to be there. Bitter-much? I mean seriously, get over it. I agree he got robbed, but he didn't stand a chance againest Anna.
The biggest bitch of the night goes to...drum roll...Merlin!! What a freak of nature that one is. Did you see his decoy fashion show? What the fuck was that all about?
It looked like some Nickoloden show gone bad or something. But don't tell him that, he will cut you with his stiletto heels! Jealous and all, he said Anna "knocked herself off" whatever bitch, I wish you knocked someone off because your collection was busted. And if that is who "you are" then you need to be someone else.

Johnny was the other decoy collection, but isn't even worth talking about. I loved his dress that sent him home, knock off and all. I left embarassed for him, when they brought it up again, just sad.

All and all, it was a good season. I enjoyed the show much more than I thought and are on the edge of my seat for Project Runway to start.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

You must listen

Our local radio show does this segment "2nd date update." It is where listeners call in and have the DJ's Johnjay and Rich call the person and ask why they never called for a 2nd date. Today's was so funny, I nearly drove off the road. The call itself was pretty lame, but the part leading up to it had me in tears from laughing so hard. You MUST listen.


Scroll down to 2nd date update and select today's podcast.

July 21, 2009
Second Date Update on Johnjay and Rich

Monday, July 20, 2009

Shows you should be watching..

Here are some of my favorite shows right now. If you are not already, you should be watching them.

1.) Better off Ted, ABC-Thursdays 8/9c
Why: This is possibly the funniest show on TV. There are days I even forget the Office is on Summer break. Portia de Rossi's character Veronica is the best ever. I think she is my personal hero on the show. If you have no watched this show, you MUST give it a try!

2.) Hung, HBO, Sundays 10 (if you get east coast, it comes on at 7PM)
Why: Just when you thought Weeds was the best premium cable show, HUNG swoops in and takes the spotlight. You can't discuss last night's episode at the water cooler at work. But you can start an email exchange about the bitchy redhead who wants a "good fuck." This show is so over the top, yet you feel like its your best friend who just started sleeping around for cash. It always raises the question, how much would you pay for a good fuck?

3.) Entourage, Showtime, Sundays 10:30PM (east coast, 7:30PM)
Why: I feel this show needs no explanation. It gets better each season. This is such a guy's show, but as a female, I am hooked.

4.) Royal Pains, USA, Thursdays 10PM
Why: It is a different kind of show and story line. It falls in the same neighborhood as Psych and Monk (two other favs) but keeps your interested. Some of the story lines are a bit much, but for summer TV it is pretty darn good.

5.) America's got talent, NBC Tues & Wednesdays 8/9 c

Why: Because it is always funny to watch people who think they are talented. The Hoff is just icing on the cake. Nick Cannon is surpriselingy a good host and funny to watch. It's a good laugh.

Friday, July 17, 2009

The "final" fashion show

So here we are...down to just 4 designers...who will out sew who???

I started watching last night with the expectation that my girl Anna was going to kill it...spoiler alert! She totally did. Let's start by breaking down each designers collection and then talk the final elimination.

Could you be anymore perfect? I loved every single thing that walked down the runway. It was like she sent little elves into my head and stole every single thought out of me. I went through a total state of panic when I realized I couldn't actually buy every single thing at that moment...well and that I eat and weigh more than 3 pounds, so in reality, I probably couldn't wear any of that stuff without looking like Horton the elephant. None the less, it was perfect. Her dresses were amazing and made the models look flawless. My fav look was the long dress (see below) LOVE LOVE LOVE
Anna's highlights:

Ok I must admit, I wasn't Reco's biggest fan. I found him to be self centered and annoying the whole season. "I got this" "I won this" "I deserve this"
Well, Reco was actually my 2nd favorite collection of the night. It was a little less theme park and more wearable. His first look I loved. It was this teal jacket with black and yellow detail and I totally saw myself walking the streets of New York rocking it like a champ. He had some low points in his collection, i.e. the feathered dress. WTF? Someone please help me understand who in the fuck would want to look like a peacock all night in that cluster fuck? It was like he ran out of ideas and feathers were on clearance and he thought..."It just might work." I don't even think one of the Housewives of New Jersey would wear that shit, and trust me, they like "different" kind of things.. Oh but you better believe Reco thought his collection was the shit and he had that bitch down. He had some strong points, such as this modern black skirt suit. Overall, it was a nice change from his typical medieval gone to prom dresses.
Here are some of his looks:

Daniella, I am not sure how I feel about her. I have been conflicted all season. Sometimes I lover her stuff and hated her, other times I hate her stuff and her even more than the week before. For 22, she sure does have some confidence on her. I just always think when you design clothes, you should look the part. Sell me on you. I don't get this over sized men's blazer look that has suddenly come back. It is a mystery to me why someone thinks that flatters a woman's figure. Anyway, Daniella was the first to go last night and I really had a fear she would kill it and win the whole thing...BUT..then her clothes started rolling out. My initial thought was, oh she used pleather, how nice...then..I had a shirt just like that--in middle school. Meanwhile, she is bobbing around back stage dancing to her "own music" clapping her hands like a fucking idiot. The song was this cheesy mid 90's rave beat with her annoying ass voice chanting "leather, lace, fashion" or some shit like that. I found the song so distracting I couldn't focus on anything else. I was left confused by the last outfit on what exactly just happened. I felt like it was just a bunch of costumes from Madonna's last concert or something. Every look either had these pleather over sized shoulder pads, or the shoulders cut out of it. I wasn't sure if I was watching a fashion show or eating at a medieval themed restaurant. I hated it all, but I figured Issac and Kelly would just die over it. Here are some of her tragic looks:

Oh James Paul
I don't even know where to start. I have been trying to figure this person out all season. He is a strange one to say the least. He is like a hobbit or something. His voice is so creepy, it's like he should be driving an ice cream truck with tinted windows around the all boy's high school. I want to like him, I really do. Typically, the weird ones are my favorites, but he is just too odd, even for me.
He starts describing his line and I am like WTF? Don't use fancy words to try to confuse me Mr. James Paul. Then the girls start pouring out, and my jaw dropped.(not in a good way, more of a scared for my life way) It was last Samurai meets kung fu Panda. Everything looked the same just worn differently. I don't get his obsession with making all of these multi purpose pieces. It's a skirt, now a shirt, now a hat, now a bike, and if you twist it like this it becomes a horse. Trying to figure out what it is supposed to be makes my head hurt and leaves me in a state of confusion. I really had high hopes for him, but knew 100% he was out the door last night. It was a mess. One piece by itself, like a jacket was fine. But when you take 5 complicated pieces and layer them all together, it is a fucking hot pile of shit. Here are some of his looks:

Now on to elimination.
First off, I want to take a moment to discuss why Kelly Rowland is even on this show. What exactly makes her qualified to judge fashion? Wasn't she just like one of Beyonce's back up singers or something? Is that all Bravo could muster up? "I am sorry, we just aren't buying it" Honey I just ain't buying you!

Side note: At the start of the show after all the designers return from their break, Kelly and Isaac come in and announce that only 3 designers will move on. America will only be able to vote for 3 of the 4 designers. OMG? Surprise, Surprise, a twist at the end, I never saw that coming....

Anyway, it was almost 11PM, I was tired, I knew my girl was in and James Paul was out and I was over it. But then, they had the nerve to tell Anna (who I am taken back by her horse mouth) that her collection wasn't cohesive? Excuse me?? I am sorry she didn't make 9 things that all looked the same like James Kebbler elf Paul. However, they loved everything she made, so I was like BINGO! Then said some shit to Daniella, blah blah. Reco they told him they expected more. He teared up, and got totally sassy and was like "this is me, this is who I am" blah blah. So then they get to James Paul and I am dying to hear what they are going to say...and then they said they actually liked it. What? Ok, now I am worried. Is my sense of fashion off? Am I the one with bad taste? Is that has been, Destiney's Child reject going to overrule my decisions? What was happening here? I didn't get it? I think his fancy word play may have confused poor Kelly into liking that crap. I couldn't help but to bust out laughing when he started explaining how one of his skirts turned into a hoodie. I was lost.

Kelly announces the final 3, in this order...Daniella...James Paul...Anna...

OK, WTF? Anna should have been first and that fucking Hobbit and his driving gloves should have been sent packing. How could I have gotten this wrong? Whatever, Anna will win and all will be ok. So now we just have to wait a whole week to find out the results...keep your fingers crossed!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Take a tumble, come on...

Ok, so it has been months since I blogged. I have been super busy with my job, child and always chaotic home, that I haven't felt inspired. Then it happened...the perfect incident to jump start my blogging.

It was a hot summer day (today actually) and I was just strolling down the parking lot at my office with my friend returning from lunch. I had a cute flowy summer dress on with some killer bronze wedges just strutting along...then BAM!!!! There I the ground. I had stepped on a large rock that twisted my ankle and left me with only 1 choice...drop my shit and prepare to bail. Lucky for me, only a small group of IT workers and some random guy were outside to witness me not so gracefully bail to the concrete and bed of rocks. The same bed of rocks that lost one of their friends that caused me to tumble. (fucker)
As I got myself back up and told myself, its not that bad, people fall all the time. I glanced at the 100's of windows that are in offices and conferences rooms allowing very single employee to have a front row seat to my ass sticking up. My friend helped me gather my things and said "are you ok?" I looked around and no one even budged. I was like, no worries I am ok, no one run to my aid. What if I was really hurt? To make me feel better one of the IT guys had his phone held up and said "no worries, I got it all recorded for youtube!" Or what if my cute shoes had been scratched? Then I thought, shit, what underwear am I wearing? Are they cute? My friend being really supportive didn't laugh...well she didn't till we passed the security gate. She slouched over, grasped the wall and belted out laughing practically to tears. I was like thanks....for your support.

A few minutes later, my leg started burning and look down and my leg looks like I was playing soccer during lunch and took a few bad spills. I instantly felt 10 again and felt like I had tumbled in the school yard in front of the boy I liked wearing the BK high tops and JINKO jeans..oh well...just another exciting day in cube hell.

The bright side of this horribly embarrassing event, was it inspired me to blog again. I know I have made this commitment before, but I feel like I have some on going inspiration to keep me going. Here are a few highlights you can look forward to in my blog. Keep in mind, I am a little late in the game on some things...

-The Fashion Show on Bravo
-The Housewives of Atlanta
-Project Runway on Lifetime, starts the 20th
-America's got talent
-The next food nextwork star
- Tori & Dean on oxygen
-My rehabilitation from my shopping addiction.
-My weight loss journey

Stay's gonna get exciting!!