Friday, July 17, 2009

The "final" fashion show

So here we are...down to just 4 designers...who will out sew who???

I started watching last night with the expectation that my girl Anna was going to kill it...spoiler alert! She totally did. Let's start by breaking down each designers collection and then talk the final elimination.

Could you be anymore perfect? I loved every single thing that walked down the runway. It was like she sent little elves into my head and stole every single thought out of me. I went through a total state of panic when I realized I couldn't actually buy every single thing at that moment...well and that I eat and weigh more than 3 pounds, so in reality, I probably couldn't wear any of that stuff without looking like Horton the elephant. None the less, it was perfect. Her dresses were amazing and made the models look flawless. My fav look was the long dress (see below) LOVE LOVE LOVE
Anna's highlights:

Ok I must admit, I wasn't Reco's biggest fan. I found him to be self centered and annoying the whole season. "I got this" "I won this" "I deserve this"
Well, Reco was actually my 2nd favorite collection of the night. It was a little less theme park and more wearable. His first look I loved. It was this teal jacket with black and yellow detail and I totally saw myself walking the streets of New York rocking it like a champ. He had some low points in his collection, i.e. the feathered dress. WTF? Someone please help me understand who in the fuck would want to look like a peacock all night in that cluster fuck? It was like he ran out of ideas and feathers were on clearance and he thought..."It just might work." I don't even think one of the Housewives of New Jersey would wear that shit, and trust me, they like "different" kind of things.. Oh but you better believe Reco thought his collection was the shit and he had that bitch down. He had some strong points, such as this modern black skirt suit. Overall, it was a nice change from his typical medieval gone to prom dresses.
Here are some of his looks:

Daniella, I am not sure how I feel about her. I have been conflicted all season. Sometimes I lover her stuff and hated her, other times I hate her stuff and her even more than the week before. For 22, she sure does have some confidence on her. I just always think when you design clothes, you should look the part. Sell me on you. I don't get this over sized men's blazer look that has suddenly come back. It is a mystery to me why someone thinks that flatters a woman's figure. Anyway, Daniella was the first to go last night and I really had a fear she would kill it and win the whole thing...BUT..then her clothes started rolling out. My initial thought was, oh she used pleather, how nice...then..I had a shirt just like that--in middle school. Meanwhile, she is bobbing around back stage dancing to her "own music" clapping her hands like a fucking idiot. The song was this cheesy mid 90's rave beat with her annoying ass voice chanting "leather, lace, fashion" or some shit like that. I found the song so distracting I couldn't focus on anything else. I was left confused by the last outfit on what exactly just happened. I felt like it was just a bunch of costumes from Madonna's last concert or something. Every look either had these pleather over sized shoulder pads, or the shoulders cut out of it. I wasn't sure if I was watching a fashion show or eating at a medieval themed restaurant. I hated it all, but I figured Issac and Kelly would just die over it. Here are some of her tragic looks:

Oh James Paul
I don't even know where to start. I have been trying to figure this person out all season. He is a strange one to say the least. He is like a hobbit or something. His voice is so creepy, it's like he should be driving an ice cream truck with tinted windows around the all boy's high school. I want to like him, I really do. Typically, the weird ones are my favorites, but he is just too odd, even for me.
He starts describing his line and I am like WTF? Don't use fancy words to try to confuse me Mr. James Paul. Then the girls start pouring out, and my jaw dropped.(not in a good way, more of a scared for my life way) It was last Samurai meets kung fu Panda. Everything looked the same just worn differently. I don't get his obsession with making all of these multi purpose pieces. It's a skirt, now a shirt, now a hat, now a bike, and if you twist it like this it becomes a horse. Trying to figure out what it is supposed to be makes my head hurt and leaves me in a state of confusion. I really had high hopes for him, but knew 100% he was out the door last night. It was a mess. One piece by itself, like a jacket was fine. But when you take 5 complicated pieces and layer them all together, it is a fucking hot pile of shit. Here are some of his looks:

Now on to elimination.
First off, I want to take a moment to discuss why Kelly Rowland is even on this show. What exactly makes her qualified to judge fashion? Wasn't she just like one of Beyonce's back up singers or something? Is that all Bravo could muster up? "I am sorry, we just aren't buying it" Honey I just ain't buying you!

Side note: At the start of the show after all the designers return from their break, Kelly and Isaac come in and announce that only 3 designers will move on. America will only be able to vote for 3 of the 4 designers. OMG? Surprise, Surprise, a twist at the end, I never saw that coming....

Anyway, it was almost 11PM, I was tired, I knew my girl was in and James Paul was out and I was over it. But then, they had the nerve to tell Anna (who I am taken back by her horse mouth) that her collection wasn't cohesive? Excuse me?? I am sorry she didn't make 9 things that all looked the same like James Kebbler elf Paul. However, they loved everything she made, so I was like BINGO! Then said some shit to Daniella, blah blah. Reco they told him they expected more. He teared up, and got totally sassy and was like "this is me, this is who I am" blah blah. So then they get to James Paul and I am dying to hear what they are going to say...and then they said they actually liked it. What? Ok, now I am worried. Is my sense of fashion off? Am I the one with bad taste? Is that has been, Destiney's Child reject going to overrule my decisions? What was happening here? I didn't get it? I think his fancy word play may have confused poor Kelly into liking that crap. I couldn't help but to bust out laughing when he started explaining how one of his skirts turned into a hoodie. I was lost.

Kelly announces the final 3, in this order...Daniella...James Paul...Anna...

OK, WTF? Anna should have been first and that fucking Hobbit and his driving gloves should have been sent packing. How could I have gotten this wrong? Whatever, Anna will win and all will be ok. So now we just have to wait a whole week to find out the results...keep your fingers crossed!

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