Friday, July 24, 2009

They got it right!!

Congrats to our girl Anna, the winner of The Fashion Show on Bravo!!!

I must admit I got a little nervous when they awared Daniella the judge's choice, but America got it right for once. Not only did she win, she smoked the competition!!!

A few highlights from the season finale. They had a mini reuinion before they announced the winner and it was really interesting to see some of the people post show and what a bunch of cry baby assholes they all were. Reco so did not want to be there. Bitter-much? I mean seriously, get over it. I agree he got robbed, but he didn't stand a chance againest Anna.
The biggest bitch of the night goes to...drum roll...Merlin!! What a freak of nature that one is. Did you see his decoy fashion show? What the fuck was that all about?
It looked like some Nickoloden show gone bad or something. But don't tell him that, he will cut you with his stiletto heels! Jealous and all, he said Anna "knocked herself off" whatever bitch, I wish you knocked someone off because your collection was busted. And if that is who "you are" then you need to be someone else.

Johnny was the other decoy collection, but isn't even worth talking about. I loved his dress that sent him home, knock off and all. I left embarassed for him, when they brought it up again, just sad.

All and all, it was a good season. I enjoyed the show much more than I thought and are on the edge of my seat for Project Runway to start.

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