Monday, September 14, 2009

Holy Hell

Bill Compton? Eric? Who shall I kidnap and lock in my love chamber?

Decisions, decisions....

So True Blood had it's season 2 finale last night, and I must say--the build-up was unnecessary.

HOWEVER, I was overjoyed with the decision to kill the whole Maryann story within the first 30 minutes. I couldn't take another episode of zombie eyed hillbillies fucking each other. The story needed to die. After Maryann's departure, the town turned back to normal and everything seem pretty as peaches. Bill (being the hot sexy vampire he is) sent Sookie a lavender dress and an invite for a "night out." Bill rented out a French restaurant to stage his marriage proposal to Miss Stackhouse. Of course Sookie acted surprised, and unsure of what to say. She breaks to the ladies room all flustered to "freshen up" and looks at herself in the mirror with the engagement ring on. Once Sookie decided the ring was worthy enough for an acceptance she rushed out to see her hunky vamp--------------gone!! WTF?????

While Sookie was admiring the diamond Bill was abducted by who could only be Eric!!! Some asshole (I am assuming it must be Eric because of the Queen ordering him to hush Bill about the vampire blood trafficking thing.)

Eric and I have a love / hate relationship. One minute I want to attack him and make him my love slave and the next I want to run him over with my car. What's a girl to do?? I guess I just have to love him. I wonder how tall he is? 6'12? Is that possible? He looks like some sort of god when he walks around in his little muscle tanks. Go Eric, get your muscle on.

Why couldn't they just leave the season with Bill and Sookie engaged and start season 3 off with a bang?? Is that too much to ask? Now I have to wait months to find out who took Bill and what will happen between him and Sookie. This is insanity, and I refuse to accept this as the season ending. HBO, you owe me an explanation!!!!

1 comment:

Kari said...

I think I comment on Eric's giantness every episode! He makes everyone look like midgets! I love Eric. He is awesomeness personified, especially since he cut his hair. Now he does remind me of an evil Doogie Howser, but still I love. Bill I do not. His (and Sookie's) horrible accents drive me nuts and he's so blah! I would like the show to be the Terrance/Eric show. That is all. For now!