Friday, April 9, 2010

Time to get my shit together

Ok kids, momma is back. I know it's bee awhile, and yes I know every time I make grand promises--but this time I am sticking to my grand plan. I WILL post once a week. Just watch me work it.

So BIG news. Someone quit their shit job. Wanna guess who? Go on ahead. Yeah that's right. Freedom looks good on me.

I am going to work for the hubby and his business and try to act like an adult. :)

Here's the deal..I am going to blog a little more honest, dirty and out of control, as if I were there in live form. If you don't like it--go read some Midwest rejects knitting blog and F* off. I will not censor my feelings or language anymore. Sensitive NO more. How you like them apples?

So I am still trying to lose those 10 lbs. It's almost a joke with myself at this point. Every Monday is the "day" and every Tuesday is filled with regret and self hate. I convinced myself with a more flexible schedule I can finally get this flabby shit body of mine back in shape...must not let the wine distract me...

I have been meaning to blog about Project Runway (PR), but this season bored me to tears and Mila's fucking ugly mug annoys me so much; I can't muster the energy to type. Emilio should win, end of story.
Still loving Modern Family and a few others...but obviously I don't LOVE them otherwise I would actually remember the show names.

Ok--momma has got to get her drink on and enjoy my 5 minutes of peace and quiet before my husband comes banging shit around and wakes up my devil spawn.



Kari said...

PR has been soooo boring this season! What is up with that? People = boring, clothes = boring, absence of drama = boring. meh.

JB said...

You are telling me!!
This is season is so off. I don't even love Tim as much...and you know I love my gays!