Monday, February 18, 2008

do you ever feel...

like not dealing with the world?? Do you ever wake up and wish you could just hit snooze till the next day?

Today is one of those days. I have a headache the size China, I feel like i have muffin top, and i am have massive bags under my eyes. I look like i feel...crappy.

For the first time since i started my new job I have nothing to do. I am usually really busy and the day goes by super fast, not today. I am watching the clock waiting for 4:30 to hit.

Do you ever feel like telling people do it yourself, when they ask you to do shit that is not part of your job? There are times where its like the time and effort you just spent asking me that you could have done it yourself!! Move those legs...

Ok, now on to Rock of Love. WTF? Why are Payton and the girl with the mullet still there? They will never win. I hate when they corner him crying asking "do you have a connection with me?" Its been 5 FREAKIN DAYS!! Ladies, get ahold of yourself. His idea of a connection is seeing your tits pressed up againest a window.
And was he wearing purple eyeshadow last night?

shit, i gotta go back to pretending to work...

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