Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Hallmark day!

Another over hyped holiday that causes me to feel annoyed and fat.
Why I think i needed 3 bags of Valentine's day themed candy from Target..who knows.
Even more depressing - I started eating the candy in the store before even paying for it.

I typically don't make a big deal of V-day just cause I find overly lovey dovey crap annoying. I think first timers are the only one's who find this holiday necessary to celebrate. Men - they only do it to get laid and women just do it to one up their girlfriends.

I think my pot belly is making me cranky. Being back at a office gig has taken away from my efforts to be the next Mark-kate Olsen. I have no will power at all. A half eaten snickers could be on the ground and I would still try to find a way to figure out how i can eat it.

I know I have been totally slacking on my blog, I will try to improve and get some good shit up real quick like.

One last in the hell is Obama winning? WTF!! Damn!

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