Thursday, February 7, 2008

Rock the ass!!

Can someone explain to me why?

Voting polls are always in Churches?
The volunteers are always over 80 years old?
Why old people think their opinion matters?

So it’s Super Tuesday. I go to vote-yes at a church. This is fine whatever...but of course when I pull up all I see is these Romney signs out in front of the church. OK, so this is why that annoys me. I think the voting polls should stay neutral. Yeah I get it’s a church, and the odds are they will not be a Clinton supporter...but is it really necessary to have Romney signs everywhere? I didn't go in there wearing my "Hillary is my Homegirl" some f* respect. Because you know some mindless housewife is going to see that sign on her way in and be like oh, "god must want Romney to win."

So I get in to the place and #1. It smells funny#2 the place is packed.
There are 4 old women (I mean on death bed old) working the "table" and some old guy with a cane directing the line. I seriously watched Stone grow up and graduate college while standing in that line. While in line every old republican in line insisted on blabbing about how they couldn't believe Obama was winning states. As much as I hate Oprah; what that bitch says don't mess with Oprah.

So it’s finally my turn. The lady with the blue hair asks for my ID and starts searching...and searching. I am still standing...and standing...ok WTF???

"Oh dear...I can't find you here. Are you sure you are at the right place?"
"yes!" My name is right there. (As I point at my name on the paper)

"John Barton?"
Do I look like a John to you??? I mean seriously???
How in the hell is anyone supposed to feel good about voting when it’s such an annoying experience.
I finally place my vote..and get the hell out of there.
As I am walking out the little old lady yells "Hey don't you want your sticker?"
"No, No thanks." I am going to go slit my wrists now..

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