Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Dear Target Corporation,

I am writing you in response to my recent visit to your Phoenix store.
I consider myself a Target fan. I enjoy purchasing most of my household items and a few other items when I make my weekly trip to your lovely store.
I was at your store Saturday (day before Easter) and it was packed. The Easter aisle was scary, I didn't dare enter, not even for my Peeps.

I breezed through and grabbed what I needed and rushed to the check out stand. I had about 7 items so the express lane seemed like the natural place for me. Waiting at the register was a VERY friendly employee. She asked me how my day was and then....she commented on EVERY item I purchased as she scanned them. You would think being in the EXPRESS lane that I would be out quickly. NOT with "Rose" working the register. Rose had bought the toilet paper i was purchasing to save some money with gas prices being what they are and all. But Rose and her husband John found it not to be as soft and Angel Soft. So she went through the rolls they had and then switched back to Angel Soft. Rose also felt that I should have gotten the Spring Breeze Windex instead of the good old fashion blue. It has this nice light scent that doesn't over power the room and really compliments the weather we are having right now. Rose also wanted to know how my son was enjoy the heat. Cause when it gets hot, John, Rose's husband gets cranky. They are from New York so they are not used to this hot weather yet. They moved out here about a year ago to help her daughter out with their grand kids. Her daughter is newly divorced and having a hard time dating out here cause no one wants to commit these days. She married when she was 19 and couldn't be happier.

When I saw your sign "EXPRESS LANE" i was under the impression that I would be EXPRESSLY checked out. Now I know its company policy to ask the customer to sign up for a Target card. Which I get, its business right? I know that as a company the cashier is to tell you how much you would save if you signed up. Rose, going that extra mile. Decided to break down how much EACH item would cost if I got a Target card. Trust me, 42 cent gum sounds lovely..but I was in a hurry. Being that Rose and I have become girlfriends in this process, I really NEEDED TO GO!

I finally paid, which stupid me, used my credit card. Did you know when Rose was my age they didn't have credit cards? Everyone paid cash for things they needed. Nowadays kids use credit cards even at vending machines. Its just silly how no one uses cash these days.

Do you see where I am going with this? I am sure you are wondering do I want Rose fired or transferred to another store not near my home. No, not at all. I simply want Rose to be put in a position perhaps in the back. Unloading shipment or maybe at a different register where it does not say EXPRESS LANE.



La Belleza said...

I forgot how fucking hilarious you are. Thanks for the laugh. I needed it.... Daureen

Kari said...

Holy crap that was goddamn hilarious. I read it to my hubbie and even he laughed. I love Rose! I think you should visit her all the time and tell us all about it.