Wednesday, March 19, 2008

oh Kristy was your time to go.

Good afternoon my ROL 2 hommies.
So finally that cry baby psycho bitch is gone.
You know the funny thing about Miss Kristy Jo is - that at first she seemed normal was actually my fav on the show. But in a matter of 2 episodes she got to be a little bit of crazy. I have no idea how all that make up stayed on through all that crying...

I think Amber is my new fav girl and should be the one to continue to stay in the house and rock Bret Michael's world.

But can someone please explain the following:

- has it been confirmed that Bret wears a wig? I must say when he was making out with Megan it was pretty obvious.
- how much eyeliner do you think that whole house goes through a week?
- Destiny's hair line...Is she going bald? Wearing a wig? Her shirts tend to worry me, it looks like she can't even breathe in them.
- Daisy..can she please OPEN her eyes when she speaks? and why does she do duck lips when she talks?
- Megan-- please never leave make me happy when you speak.
- she is dumb as she seems?

I think this SNL video says it all.

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