Tuesday, October 14, 2008

The Maverick State

Don't ask me why or how I ended up living in a republican, McCain loving state.
I miss California and our love for Bill Clinton.

I live in a older neighborhood with young families and the old school Phoenix family's who paid $100 for their house in 1963.
Right after the VP debate I noticed an abundance of McCain/Palin signs blooming from my neighbors yards. The first to start this trend - the guy who fiddles with his lawn everyday while drinking a glass of boxed white wine, sometimes blush. I know that's shocking to believe that a man with such class would be a McCain supporter, but he was exactly who I expected to start the trend. I was floored he didn't pull out his shot gun and yeee haww into the night while digging the sign in his yard.

After that, one by one they all started popping up. Every night I would jog I would count one more. I mean was I the ONLY one who actually watched the debates???
Arizona is weird like that. You could be the worst person in the world, but if you are from AZ, we love ya! When Jordin Sparks was on American Idol, I swore she was running for the senate. I still can't escape her annoying songs on the radio.
I asked my husband if we could get an Obama sign for our yard and the look of fear came over his face and the response was "are you fucking crazy?" "Its bad enough the neighbors hate us, now you want to post a sign announcing that we are voting for the black liberal?" Although I was pissed, he had a good point. ( You may be asking how can your neighbors hate you?) It's simple, we tore down two tiny brick homes, and built 2 really modern homes. 1 towering over the other neighbors, its' actually been called the "freeway wall." The building process was a fun time...
I am sure they all sit on their lawns with their boxed wine muttering "I bet you they are democrats, they have tattoos."

Tonight while running I went down a side street that had 3, yes 3, homes with Obama / Biden signs in their yards. I almost passed out from shock. Could this be real? Or is it that they are on a side street so they are hidden from hillbilly mavericks of the neighborhood? None the less, it made me smile. It actually gave me hope that I would not be subjected to the "Maverick" and his little dingy sidekick for the next four years. So with this said, I ask you to do the right thing and get out and vote this November. Even if you live in a republican state in which your vote is useless, still get out and vote. And if for some reason you feel inclined to vote for the Maverick, please remember you fucked us over the last 8 years; so do us all the favor and stay home.

1 comment:

Joy Johnson said...

I can't believe you guys aren't putting an Obama sign up. Do it! :p