Thursday, October 23, 2008

Solve this riddle..

What kind of asshole goes on someones property and knocks down their Obama sign in their front yard???

answer: A hillbilly McCain supporter.

Yes kids, its True. Josh and I have had enough. Our side street is almost covered in Obama signs and FINALLY a neighbor on our block put their Obama sign out, so we naturally felt it was time. So I drove myself to the Phoenix campaign headquarters and got our lawn sign. It's been up since Saturday. Today some white-trash, boxed wine drinking hillbilly Maverick took our sign out of our yard and throw it in the street.

Who does that? I mean are we 12 yrs old here?? I see a 100 McCain signs everyday. Sure, I would like to rip them off people's lawns and burn them in my fire pit while belting out an evil laugh - but I don't! I am not threatened by their false hope that he will win, and they shouldn't feel threatened that they wasted $8 on a sign that will mean nothing in 2 weeks. :)

You think my sign tampering inccident is lame? Get a load of this shit.
Prop 102 in Arizona is known as the "YES to marriage prop" (similar to CA Prop8)sounds good huh? I bet you are thinking Yes on marriage, that sounds good. That means marriage for everyone right? WRONG!!! If you want to be disgusted visit their site
You want a good laugh? check out their 8 reasons to "defend" marriage. I must have missed something. I didn't realize marriage was under attack. My favorite reason is:#3. "More kids will be taught againest their parents' wishes that homosexuality is normal and healthy." Sort of feels like anyone who dares to live outside the bible is under attack. Some please remind me why religion is dictating the law? Why are we allowing states to decide who can or cannot get married? It seems like something that should just be set across the board, in EVERY state. So these "YES to marriage" assholes are running around saying "Vote YES on marriage", and people who haven't sat down and studied all local laws think they are voting for equal rights on marriage. It's just sick.

Perhaps they should play this PSA in Arizona. It would be so "mavericky" of us.

1 comment:

La Belleza said...

Never knew AZ was so republican...imagine living further "in" though... I always get a shiver when I see the entire middle of our country painted red on the electoral maps... so freaking scary. -Daureen