Thursday, July 16, 2009

Take a tumble, come on...

Ok, so it has been months since I blogged. I have been super busy with my job, child and always chaotic home, that I haven't felt inspired. Then it happened...the perfect incident to jump start my blogging.

It was a hot summer day (today actually) and I was just strolling down the parking lot at my office with my friend returning from lunch. I had a cute flowy summer dress on with some killer bronze wedges just strutting along...then BAM!!!! There I the ground. I had stepped on a large rock that twisted my ankle and left me with only 1 choice...drop my shit and prepare to bail. Lucky for me, only a small group of IT workers and some random guy were outside to witness me not so gracefully bail to the concrete and bed of rocks. The same bed of rocks that lost one of their friends that caused me to tumble. (fucker)
As I got myself back up and told myself, its not that bad, people fall all the time. I glanced at the 100's of windows that are in offices and conferences rooms allowing very single employee to have a front row seat to my ass sticking up. My friend helped me gather my things and said "are you ok?" I looked around and no one even budged. I was like, no worries I am ok, no one run to my aid. What if I was really hurt? To make me feel better one of the IT guys had his phone held up and said "no worries, I got it all recorded for youtube!" Or what if my cute shoes had been scratched? Then I thought, shit, what underwear am I wearing? Are they cute? My friend being really supportive didn't laugh...well she didn't till we passed the security gate. She slouched over, grasped the wall and belted out laughing practically to tears. I was like thanks....for your support.

A few minutes later, my leg started burning and look down and my leg looks like I was playing soccer during lunch and took a few bad spills. I instantly felt 10 again and felt like I had tumbled in the school yard in front of the boy I liked wearing the BK high tops and JINKO jeans..oh well...just another exciting day in cube hell.

The bright side of this horribly embarrassing event, was it inspired me to blog again. I know I have made this commitment before, but I feel like I have some on going inspiration to keep me going. Here are a few highlights you can look forward to in my blog. Keep in mind, I am a little late in the game on some things...

-The Fashion Show on Bravo
-The Housewives of Atlanta
-Project Runway on Lifetime, starts the 20th
-America's got talent
-The next food nextwork star
- Tori & Dean on oxygen
-My rehabilitation from my shopping addiction.
-My weight loss journey

Stay's gonna get exciting!!


Kari said...

So glad to see you back!!

Unknown said...

Eeeks you poor thing!!!!!!!!!!! I hope your leg is better and I'm SO glad you are back to blogging ;)