Sunday, August 30, 2009


Hey guys,

I have been out of town the past 2 weeks. I have thoughts on the new PR (project runway) and can't wait to share. Give me a day to gather my thought and back soon.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Oh Yogurtland

Yogurtland, you make me a better person. You make the days cooler and brighter. You offer me 12 flavors of delicious soft serve yogurt to serve myself in large portions at such a great price. You make me feel alive with your large toppings bar. Leches? Really? Oh yumm..don't mind if I do.

I know you Cali peeps have been indulging in this treat for years, but us rednecks in AZ have just been given this angel from heaven last week. (we still wear body glitter and skinny jeans, cut us some slack)

Yogurtland, I commit to visit you at least 5 times a week, if not more. I promise to never walk out spending less than $4..and most of all, I promise to never stop loving you...

ATL..where do I start?

Show of hands, who watch the Real Housewives of ATL?

Who almost shit themselves when Sheree yanked Kim's wig? ME!!!
Best episode yet. I knew it was going to be a good one when Kim brought a helmet to dinner for the "intervention" but the wig was by far the highlight of the show.
It cracks me up how they all talk shit on each other on national TV and then act shocked when they hear someone they have been bashing on was talking about them. It kills me. Spoiler alert, she thinks your bitch too! I must admit I have been slightly disinterested in this season, mainly because the whole housewives empire is getting a tad old. However, that is nothing a good cat fight can't fix.
On a side note, who in the fuck names themselves NeNe? Really? As an adult you think that is a good choice for you?
Anyway, there isn't much to report from the episode other than the last 10 minutes or so. Ne Ne and Sheree feel it was time to confront Kim about all of her shit talking. So they handled it like adults and called her to a dinner in front of cameras to gang up on her. Kim knowing that the ladies from the ATL do not play with white women who wear wigs, she brought a helmet. I could not control my laughter when she brought it out and showed the ladies. They all laughed and then declared it time to get down to business. Naturally, Nene and Sheree turned on Kim and ganged up on her till she stormed out of the restaurant. Nene and Sheree don't play that mess. They chased her ass down, Sheree took a tug at the wig...then it went into previews for next week. I can only imagine what is yet to come for these ladies.

Oh, Lisa and her husband want another baby, he is super romantic and no one cares. I want to see more wigs taken off!

Friday, August 7, 2009

Dear Stone's daycare,

The hours on the door say 6:00AM to 6:30 PM, my credit card is deducted every Friday at the same time. Stone arrives everyday at 7:30 am, and leaves everyday by 5:15 pm. I know just like every other child, he has his good and bad days, so I appreciate you being so patient and loving with him even on his bad days.

I was just wondering if you could clarify a few things for me..why is it yesterday when I walked in at 7:03 am, (1 hour and 3 minutes after you opened) I was greeted with 3 smug cranky looking girls sitting behind the front desk? I was also hoping you could also explain to me why when I mentioned Stone had taken a poo on the car ride there, the response was a blank look as if I was speaking french? I know he poops throughout the day, and his diaper is always empty when I bring him home, so I am just lost on why this situation is confusing to these 3 girls.
You see I was in a mad rush yesterday, I had to be at work by 7:30 am, so I was hoping to be in & out. As usual, we play musical rooms each morning, so I wasn't totally taken back by the fact that Stone had to go in the front room instead of his usual spot, I guess I was just taken back on why it took 3 girls to buzz parents in and only 1 was in the room with about a dozen kids.
Is the button that complex? Does it take 3 people to push it? Perhaps it weighs 100 lbs? Help me out here....

When I realized no words were coming from Susie's mouth (we will call her Susie for the sake of the story) I repeated myself, "I am really sorry, he went in the car and he needs to be changed."
Susie responded " well, his teacher isn't here yet." Once again, I repeated myself. (tick tock)
Susie "you can drop him in there and when Ms. X arrives she can change him." Umm, excuse me?? Was Susie really suggesting my child sit in a diaper full of shit until someone else comes to change him? This isn't possible. I mean Susie wouldn't shit in her own shit for an hour, so why would she suggest Stone should? The other 2 girls gave me a look of approval of her suggestion, I was perplexed by the whole thing. I calmly responded "that will not work, he needs to be changed now." Susie, little dumb Susie, responds "you can change him." Really Susie? Can I? Cause I have no where to be, so sure, any other shitty diapers that need changing? At least that is what I said in my head, and wanted to say--but was way too annoyed to even go there.
Me "OKKKKK...umm where is his diapers since his classroom is closed?"
Her "they are back there" (being the classroom)
Ok, now I am pissed, beyond pissed, steaming...
I walk back to the classroom and I can't find his diapers anywhere. I pick up the phone and dial the front desk and Susie answers.
"Susie, where are Stone's diapers?"
"they are in the cabinet by the sink"
"It is locked"
"You need a magnet to open it"
"Susie, let me remind you, I do not work here, you do."
And then I slam the phone. Let me remind you, I am so past the point of return right now. Smoke is coming from my ears.
Apparently the big light went off because Susie came in the room to ask if I had figured out the cabinet. I told her, (not so nicely) "obviously, the diapers are out. How in the hell am I supposed to know you need a magnet to open a cabinet? Really, I don't work here. I am late for work now, this is unbelievable."
Susie "I can't leave the desk, I will get in trouble."
Her "they aren't on the clock yet"
Me "they are in uniforms behind the desk, they are on the clock. I pay for childcare from 6am to 6:30pm. The minute I walk through those doors, his poop is now your problem. Obviously, you could leave the desk because I am looking at you right now. Susie, I am beyond pissed now, I will be calling the director later and she is getting an ear full from me."
Her "do you want me to change him?"
Me "I wanted you to change him the first 3 times I asked! Don't be helpful now after you totally dismissed me and see that I am upset. Just leave, I am done discussing this."
She just sits there and looks at me change my child...un f* believable!!!

Do you see why I am upset here? Not that I wouldn't normally change my child, but I pay for them to do so while I go to work. Now I am late to work, and now I question her ability to count to 5.
Would you leave your child with someone who lacks total common sense? I think not....

Annoyed parent

UPDATE: Susie did apologize to me this morning when I dropped off Stone. I let Susie know that it wasn't what happened, but how it was handled. If she would have explained the situation to me and asked one of her fellow idiots to watch the desk for her while she helped me at least get the diapers, it wouldn't have been an issue.

Friends, I do not tolerate laziness. If you do not like changing shitty diapers, you should consider a career change.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Out of touch

Ok guys,

I am totally behind on my TV. I know, I know, I made a promise. I am trying, cut me some slack.

I got a trainer, been working on "my fitness" and have been busy with my 2 year old. (who is demanding as hell, btw) TV has taken the back seat this week.

HOWEVER, I did catch the Housewives of HOTlanta, and I loves.

I love that crazy ass bitch Sheree and her hairstylist "tell him you the boss bitch." Aww yes, because that is exactly what Sheree needs, encouragement to be a bigger bitch. Only Sheree could be so unreasonable with someone who is providing a service for FREE. And who says when being "hired" to do a job, google me?

Then there is Kim. Poor Kim, her wig is bad, her voice is painful and big Poppa ain't spreadin no more suga on her. How will she survive? And she has cancer? Oh wait, she doesn't, or she did, or she thought she did, she walked by someone who did--I can't recall the details. She is such a role model for women and how they should just keep chugging along through life. I admire her strength to get up each morning, slap that wig on and glop on that gloss and walk out that door each morning and hop in her car with a glass of wine. She is such a inspiration.

Holy fuck, give me the strength to get through this season...

Still loving HUNG. I am strongly considering a career as a male pimp. I think I could be good. I can usually tell who hasn't been laid in awhile and who really could use some...

I bet you there is some good money is being a "happiness consultant". Do you think they have recruiters for this? Let me know, I am thinking nows the time to make a job change. According to CNN, the market is picking back up. Plus, I am shady, already one step closer....