Thursday, August 6, 2009

Out of touch

Ok guys,

I am totally behind on my TV. I know, I know, I made a promise. I am trying, cut me some slack.

I got a trainer, been working on "my fitness" and have been busy with my 2 year old. (who is demanding as hell, btw) TV has taken the back seat this week.

HOWEVER, I did catch the Housewives of HOTlanta, and I loves.

I love that crazy ass bitch Sheree and her hairstylist "tell him you the boss bitch." Aww yes, because that is exactly what Sheree needs, encouragement to be a bigger bitch. Only Sheree could be so unreasonable with someone who is providing a service for FREE. And who says when being "hired" to do a job, google me?

Then there is Kim. Poor Kim, her wig is bad, her voice is painful and big Poppa ain't spreadin no more suga on her. How will she survive? And she has cancer? Oh wait, she doesn't, or she did, or she thought she did, she walked by someone who did--I can't recall the details. She is such a role model for women and how they should just keep chugging along through life. I admire her strength to get up each morning, slap that wig on and glop on that gloss and walk out that door each morning and hop in her car with a glass of wine. She is such a inspiration.

Holy fuck, give me the strength to get through this season...

Still loving HUNG. I am strongly considering a career as a male pimp. I think I could be good. I can usually tell who hasn't been laid in awhile and who really could use some...

I bet you there is some good money is being a "happiness consultant". Do you think they have recruiters for this? Let me know, I am thinking nows the time to make a job change. According to CNN, the market is picking back up. Plus, I am shady, already one step closer....

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