Friday, August 14, 2009

ATL..where do I start?

Show of hands, who watch the Real Housewives of ATL?

Who almost shit themselves when Sheree yanked Kim's wig? ME!!!
Best episode yet. I knew it was going to be a good one when Kim brought a helmet to dinner for the "intervention" but the wig was by far the highlight of the show.
It cracks me up how they all talk shit on each other on national TV and then act shocked when they hear someone they have been bashing on was talking about them. It kills me. Spoiler alert, she thinks your bitch too! I must admit I have been slightly disinterested in this season, mainly because the whole housewives empire is getting a tad old. However, that is nothing a good cat fight can't fix.
On a side note, who in the fuck names themselves NeNe? Really? As an adult you think that is a good choice for you?
Anyway, there isn't much to report from the episode other than the last 10 minutes or so. Ne Ne and Sheree feel it was time to confront Kim about all of her shit talking. So they handled it like adults and called her to a dinner in front of cameras to gang up on her. Kim knowing that the ladies from the ATL do not play with white women who wear wigs, she brought a helmet. I could not control my laughter when she brought it out and showed the ladies. They all laughed and then declared it time to get down to business. Naturally, Nene and Sheree turned on Kim and ganged up on her till she stormed out of the restaurant. Nene and Sheree don't play that mess. They chased her ass down, Sheree took a tug at the wig...then it went into previews for next week. I can only imagine what is yet to come for these ladies.

Oh, Lisa and her husband want another baby, he is super romantic and no one cares. I want to see more wigs taken off!

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