Friday, August 14, 2009

Oh Yogurtland

Yogurtland, you make me a better person. You make the days cooler and brighter. You offer me 12 flavors of delicious soft serve yogurt to serve myself in large portions at such a great price. You make me feel alive with your large toppings bar. Leches? Really? Oh yumm..don't mind if I do.

I know you Cali peeps have been indulging in this treat for years, but us rednecks in AZ have just been given this angel from heaven last week. (we still wear body glitter and skinny jeans, cut us some slack)

Yogurtland, I commit to visit you at least 5 times a week, if not more. I promise to never walk out spending less than $4..and most of all, I promise to never stop loving you...

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