Thursday, January 10, 2008

Fluffy's revenge!

I had my first interview yesterday and as suggested by the hiring manager we met at a local coffee shop. I arrived about 20 minutes early as I usually do to rule out any risk of me being late. Since the weather is finally under 70 degrees here I decided to wait out front. I noticed a light grey Camry sitting right in front of me with a little dog in it scratching at the window and jumping around inside. I also noticed that not one window was cracked. First thing that came to mind is; what asshole decided to leave his dog in the car while he enjoys a latte???
LEAVE THE DOG AT HOME!!! Lesson people. Dogs do NOT enjoy being out of the house if it means them being locked in a car!! All they do is bark at people passing by and get anxiety!! If you plan on making long stops leave Fluffy at home!!! I am not sure what kind of dog it was but it looked like this guy below. (w/o the outfit of course!)


So after standing there for about 15 minutes a couple with a young daughter come out of the coffee shop and head over to the Camry. Granted I do not speak Spanish, I pretty much was able to gather pretty quickly what the man was saying. As he reaches for the door handle he yells "OH NOOOO!!!" and some other Spanish words. The woman opens the door and yells.
I immediately bust out laughing.
After a few minutes of pacing around shaking his head and the woman yelling "BAD DOG!"
The trunk pops. A roll of paper towels and a trash bag come out...
YES, people Fluffy shit in the car and tracked it all over the seats. Did I mention they had tan cloth seats???
I couldn't help it. I laughed the entire time. The dog ran up to me and started jumping on my leg. I patted her head and said good girl. The guy gave me a dirty look and continued yelling in Spanish.
I looked at the woman as she continued punishing the dog and said "next time you may want to leave the dog at home or at least crack the windows." Of course I received a nasty look and they piled into the car and drove away. Within seconds the guy I was meeting pulled up and all I could think was how badly I wanted to say "GUESS WHAT I JUST WITNESSED?"
My better judgment or as Sister Patterson would say my "third eye" told me it was not interview appropriate.

What have we all learned here?? Sometimes we all get shit on!

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