Monday, January 7, 2008

Why are you matching???

Can someone please explain to me why grown ass adults feel the need to dress like their spouse?? I am talking full on matchy match.
I mean its annoying enough with kids, but adults??? I am talking like in their 40's adults.

Its one thing to be like oh how cute me and my husband both wore blue today, how funny. But to actually have MATCHING Addidas tracksuits. I don't get it.
What is the purpose?? Is it if they forget who they are married to all they have to do is search for their twin? Was there a buy one get one free deal I missed?
I am so confused on this whole thing I am not even sure where I am going with this. All I could do was stare and play out every scenario how this could have happened in my head.
"Hey honey, lets mess with people all day by dressing the same, wouldn't that be funny?"

Please help me understand :(

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