Thursday, January 17, 2008

ugggghhhh where are my fries??

Ok, so I know I supposed to be on a "diet." What ever the fuck that means...
Seriously what is a diet??? It seems like everyone is always on a diet. Getting a diet coke with your burger and fries is not being on a diet. So as expected my diet lasted all of a week after the new year. As usual I was craving crap and after watching 3 burger king commercials in a 5 minute period I decided a whopper sounded yummy.
I back up the kiddo and drive my chunky self to BK and order up a #2, no mayo, no pickles with a coke. I get my bag and I get my coke and off I go.

Hmmmm I sure bet some fries on the way home would be lovely. Wait what the fuck? Where are my FRIES!!! I didn't check the bag and sure enough that dumb ass forgot my fries!! Even the tag on my bag said 1 whopper, 1 med fries, 1 med coke. WTF???
I was so outraged and disappointed all at the same time. Although she probably did me a favor by leaving out the fries I was still really pissed.

So to make everything right I went to Mc Donald's today, and yes I got fries..

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