Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Will you continue to rock my world???

Oh Bret. What happened?
Not that it ever was right, but where did it all go wrong??
I was really looking forward to Rock of Love 2 since Miss New York went off and got engaged.
Could you not have mustered up 20 hotter girls?? Aren't things supposed to improve the 2nd time around? WTF?? I feel like I contracted herpes just watching the season premiere. I am sorry but did you really say you had a spiritual connection with Frenchie??? Bret, please..for the love of mankind please get your eyes checked. I think the ability to see better will help you think clearly with the correct head. I am very concerned that you could get in a sword fight with her if you know what I mean...

Looking for love?? Considering you are old enough to be my father and have had way more years of being a scum bag then I. One bit of advice. Sucking face with 16 disgusting tramps will not help you find love. Shying away from the ONE GIRL who didn't titty slap you, probably not wise. You get my drift here?? Stripper dance challenges...umm not really going to attract the good ones. You following me?

The wig. Katie, why did you ruin this for me?? I used to only obsess over the heavy amounts of eyeliner and now Miss Katie felt the need to draw to my attention to Bret's wig. So now all I can do is watch and hope it falls off one drunken night.

New York may have had fake hair. But she was loud and proud about it. Bret, there is nothing to be proud about.

One last thing. You have a 2 year old daughter. This is season 2. You figure it takes 4 months or so to film, then edit and get on TV. Then it drags out for 4-5 months on TV. I am not expert, but if you do the math correctly he was already working with VH1 while his baby momma was still with child. Lovely....

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