Monday, March 17, 2008

Did you miss me?

So I noticed a slow down in my site traffic...I don't want to point any fingers...but its pretty shitty that you would stop reading my blog. I do put a lot of effort into my entries..and to be ignored. It hurts.

So let's catch up.
Project runway-
My #1 gay Christian won. Yay!!! I knew it all along-he was way too fierce not to win. I want Christian to be my friend but I think I would need to lose 50 pounds and learn to "walk for days." For my gays that read my blog, how do you pick up on a gay man to be your friend? Is there a secret code or something??
I think Christian and I could be fierce fierce you would die.

My son-
Oh the peanut. He is 6 months today. He is a big boy, but not in a large overweight way, more in a studly and handsome way. He started on solids a few weeks back and seems to dig him some squash. Ummm so his poop...its been a 10 (if you aren't familiar with the poop rating system, 10 is beyond gross.) Its not that it is overly large and leaky..its that it is starting to look like grown up poop. More solid and like nuggets. For some reason its just gross to me to change my son with his poop looking like my own. It makes me feel like potty training should happen about the time solids does.

the nanny-

So we had to let our nanny go. I know it seems harsh..but for those of you wondering what could possibly get a nanny fired..I have included this list.

-smoking while walking child...(she is a non smoker of course, just when I am around.)
- Borrowing boss's clothes without permission
- Boyfriend threatening nanny's life and then stalking her at boss's home
- using boss's computer to look for new job
- not cleaning up after child throws spoon with food on it (why give a 6 month old food)
- text messaging boss to not make nanny drive to work if going to be fired because boyfriend who attacked nanny is nanny's first priority.
- Nanny allowing boyfriend to visit boss's home while watching child with no permission and actually being told boyfriend could NOT come over.
- Nanny yelling at boyfriend on phone while holding child.

After reading list would you believe nanny was shocked she was let go??? No to mention she is upset we didn't give her notice before firing her. Umm isn't that what being fired is???

So my new ad will read:

Looking for a nanny ASAP to watch 6 month old child.
- must not smoke in child's face
- must supply own clothing
- must look for new job on own time and computer
- must not be a dirty and crappy liar
- must not have controlling crazy boyfriend
- must not run personal errands with child
- must at least pretend to respect boss

you would think i wouldn't have a problem finding someone..

well bitches keep reading... I am watching you..


Unknown said...

that totally sounds like a craigslist best of ad. i love it.. slow down in readers means lack of blogging and new things to read.. lets do lunch sometime soon...

Joy Johnson said...

Soooo glad you got rid of that nanny! Smoking in front of the kid and not cleaning him up I can understand - but taking your clothes! Oh hell no!