Wednesday, October 8, 2008

2 weeks with no starbucks...

So its been 2 weeks with no caffeine and today was by far the worst. My head felt like it was going to pop off my shoulders. I thought about ways I could slip a cup of coffee into my day without "cheating" but knew all it took was one cup to through me off my game.

I decided to cut out caffeine from my diet for a few reasons:

frequent headaches
jittery hands
weight loss

So far the only thing that has happened is I am no longer spending my son's college education on my morning lattes.
I realized today that I am not a very nice person when I don't have my coffee in the mornings. Not that I am usually a warm friendly person, it just seems more severe when I am going through withdrawls.
Its difficult to not explode when someone who is holding a cup of coffee questions why you don't drink caffeine like you have some sort of illness or something.

I really feel my addiction would be best handled with some sort of AA group. I mean caffeine is a drug right? We all know Starbucks puts crack in their coffee which is how I became addicted in the first place. We have support groups for sex addicts, drug addicts, shopping addicts, what about those of us who have a caffeine addiction??? I could sit in a circle with Marge, John, and Bill, and discuss why I feel like I am always close to the edge when I drive by a Starbucks. Maybe I could get a sponsor who I could call every morning who can talk me out of that latte. Perhaps an ex-barista would be a good person for the job.
I am just rambling at this point, I can't even focus on my own thoughts right now. Wish me luck, I am going to need it.

1 comment:

La Belleza said...

Have you lost your damned mind? You're not turning into a granola are you?? -d.