Tuesday, January 1, 2008


What is it about America's Next Top Model that you can watch the same seasons over and over again and still be surprised? Is it Tyra's over dramatized eliminations? "There are 2 models left. But I only have one picture in my hands."

My husband asks every time "haven't you seen this episode like 100 times?" "Will you still be surprised?"

Sadly the answer is yes. Cycle 2 is on VH1 right now. They are playing all 9 cycles this week...
It's a sick game. 3 years ago I would have been hungover in bed right now. Not up at 7am after getting up at 4:30 am with my overly excited son. I swear my kid is in the best mood come the morning time. It makes me question if there was a switch at the hospital. My hubby and I are so not morning people. I want to be annoyed, but then Stone does something super cute and it makes it hard to be mad.

He did however shit on my hand today. And well, pissed on the wall and me AGAIN!!!
After awhile piss and shit on you becomes normal. I just laugh. I know I should never change him too soon, especially when he is still giving little pushes. When will I learn??

Anyway, back to ANTM. Go Yoanna, and F Camille.

Also, I added some of my fav links and blogs of friends of mine to my page. Feel free to check them out. They aren't as exciting as mine, but they are good enough to read. Hee heee hee


La Belleza said...

This month's debuts:

1.) Scott Baio is 46 and having a baby
2.) Rock of Love
3.) Celebrity Rehab with Dr. Drew

I haven't been this excited since Surreal Life. Yeah, my life is THAT pathetic

JB said...

Who is La Belleza??? I don't like these code names!