Monday, January 7, 2008

Dear Santa,

Santa, I hate to sound ungrateful, but I think there was some sort of misunderstanding between us this year.

When I asked for a new body I was sort of referring to my pre-pregnancy body. It wasn't perfect by any means but it worked ok for me. The extra 5 pounds you gave me is really not working so well for me.

My muffin top is not very cute...not at all.
Now I know you put a lot of special thought into my gift but I was wondering if there was anyway I could perhaps exchange it for a slimmer waistline??
I think I was a fairly good girl this past year. I did bring a child into the world, doesn't that count for anything???

I know you are really busy so whenever you can make it by to pick up those 5 pounds and maybe take the additional 20 I am carrying, that would be highly appreciated.



Sarah said...

Santa's a bastard. He's just mad 'cause he's a fatty, so he tries to sabatoge everyone during the holidays.

bittermelon said...

if you see him tell him that i could (desperately) stand to lose some weight too. and by some, i mean a lot.