Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Dear Satan,

It has been about 3 weeks since you have taken over my son's (Stone)body. I was just wondering how long you intend to stick around for? It's not that I mind the hitting, screaming, tanturms, resistance, crying and complete disregard of authority. It is just I miss my sweet little boy, and since you have moved in and destroyed his soul--mommy and daddy have lost theirs.

Maybe we can work out a deal? I have been really generous and have not charged you rent. Perhaps you can find another child to take over and we can call it even?
Sunday when we switched Stone's crib out to a toddler bed, I was really hoping you would work with us. Let him take a nap, sleep through the night--you know the basics.
Hey, I get it. Freedom is exciting. You can get in & out of that little box you used to be once confined to. The light switch is pretty entertaining, and of course the thrill of squeezing apple juice EVERY where is always liberating. But did you really have to force him to poop? That sort of sealed the deal that a nap was not happening.

Mommy and daddy are really struggling here. What can we do to get you to move out and return my baby's soul? You can keep mine, and I know Josh would be willing to sacrifice his. Work with me. There is a neighbor kid up the street that seems well behaved. Maybe you can teach his parents a lesson. What do ya say? It could be a fun Halloween surprise....????

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