Saturday, October 17, 2009

Who does that????

You all know how obsessed with true crime I tend to be. So of course when People magazine had the exclusive photos of Jaycee Dugard in this past week's issue, I just about shit myself. I have been glued to this story since the day they found her and her 2 girls. (For those of you who don't know who Jaycee Dugard is, you are a fucking idiot or live under a rock. She is the kidnap victim who was found 18 YEARS after her abduction living in a tent in the backyard of her kidnappers. Watch the news people.)
Anyway, back to my story. People released the issue Tuesday, and I had been meaning all week to snatch up a copy, but kept forgetting. Last night I sent my husband on a wild goose chase to get me a copy. He went to 4 stores, and all were sold out and stocking the October 19th issue. It is only the 16th, WTF?
FINALLY! He finds me a copy, and I am overly excited to sit down and look through the photos of Jaycee...then I noticed the article starts off really odd, like mid sentence. I look at the page number, and it says 61. Then I look to the page to the left and it is an advertisement, so I flip backwards. The last numbered page was 52, so I count, and it turns out the page to the left of my page 61, is page 56. Some asshole took 4 pages from my magazine, and OF COURSE it is from the Jaycee story. Motherfuckers!!!!!! Who does that? Who just takes pages out of a magazine in a bookstore!! It is $3.99, buy the motherfucker!! I was so pissed. I could barely control my anger. As a parent, there are very few moments in your life you have to yourself, to enjoy something that is just for you. My true crime shows, movies and news stories, are my ME time. Some fucktard robbed me of my ME moment.
FUCK YOU page stealer!!

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