Thursday, October 15, 2009

Modern Family

Who else noticed Ugly Betty was shifted to the Friday line up??

America better start hitting the street for a new role. Friday is the prime time graveyard.

I wish they would do something with her. What grown ass adult, who works at a Fashion magazine, dresses like that? Isn't it time we let little Betty grow up and blossom a little? Show a little boob and ass? Can't they remove the braces at least?
The 2 hour premiere is this Friday, I will keep my fingers crossed it is more inspiring than last season.

On a lighter note, I am loving the new show Modern Family. I just about died last night when 16 year old Hayley's boyfriend sang "I wanna do you" in front of the whole family. Catchy tune that was. I found myself humming "I wanna do you, like you wanna do me, do me, do you" all night while tapping my feet. Please tune in to this great show, so another awesome show doesn't jump the shark.

1 comment:

Joy Johnson said...

Oh my god. We love Modern Family. The season premiere, when the husband brings baby Lily out to the Lion King music - classic.